9.30am-Midday at Charlbury Community Centre
We are so thrilled to let you know that there should be enough produce this week (as we exit the Hungry Gap) to do a fair bit of your weekly shop here at the Market. Here’s a run-down of this week’s stalls:
Forge House Bakery
Amazing sourdough and pastries baked in Lower Heyford and made with local flour from Bruern
Hampton Gay Farm
Many market regulars have been asking for pasture fed organic meat, and it’s here!
Church Lane Produce
Billy’s Eggs, Potatoes from Combe, lettuces and fresh produce from the patch in Spelsbury.
Styan Produce
A wide variety of fruit and vegetables grown in the Vale of Evesham.
Charlbury Deli
Local wine, Evenlode Gin, coffee beans and other treats from our local food shop.
Chadlington Flower Farmer
Beautiful bunches from just down the Road.
Roos Kitchen
Another Market favourite – amazing cakes and treats (including GF and vegan options) all baked in Witney.
Mariella Bliss
Blissful Italian food!
Earth Ales
Amazing beers brewed with foraged ingredients near Abingdon.
There is also a stall at the market where you can drop items for refill and get useful general information about services in Charlbury.
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday!
Chloe Horner ·
Wed 31 May 2023, 20:24 · Link
Gary Harrison elected as Chair of Charlbury Town Council
At the annual meeting of Charlbury Town Council, Gary Harrison was elected Chair of the Town Council and Liz Reason as elected as Vice-Chair.
Gary Harrison ·
Tue 30 May 2023, 20:20 · Link
Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council
The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.
- 8B Market Street Charlbury
Discharge of condition 4 (control measures for the control of fumes, smells and odours) of planning permission 21/04117/FUL
WODC reference: 23/01357/CND - Wed 17 May 2023 - Under consideration
Mon 29 May 2023, 06:15 · Link
We now have a winner for the competition launched earlier this month where we asked you to identify all those houses numbered 25 in Charlbury, in recognition of the 25th Charlbury Beer Festival being held on 24 June. There are nine 25s in the town, which can be found on: Ditchley Road, The Green, Hanover Close, Hughes Close, Little Lees, Marlborough Place, Nineacres Close, Sturt Close and Ticknell Piece Road. There were no correct answers, but congratulations to Julia who was closest to this total. She will receive two free admission tickets for the event. Cheers!
Nick Millea ·
Fri 26 May 2023, 16:00 · Link
Call for Charlbury Primary School Chair of Governors and Governors
Are you someone with a little spare time who is looking for a meaningful way to contribute? If so, a little experience in supporting professional teams, working through committees, financial oversight, community relations, or policy development could go a very long way as a school governor. No previous experience in the education sector is necessary, and plenty of support and training is available via RLT and beyond. So if you think this sounds interesting, please contact Patricia Winstanley (Chair of Governors) via
Tim Hicks ·
Thu 25 May 2023, 21:40 · Link
Rescheduled Wine and Jazz
Given the number of people who were unable to make the original date due to half-term and other commitments, we have rescheduled the event for Saturday 10 June.
Same time (6pm – 8pm), same location (St. Mary’s), same jazz band (D’Accord), same price (£12/person), same great cause (our Parish Church and its community initiatives) and same super selection of 8 summer wines for you to try. What a great way to kick off your evening!
Please contact Dine Glasgow for tickets.
daniela jenkins ·
Thu 25 May 2023, 17:12 · Link
Culture at the Charlbury Beer Festival: full line-up announced
We are pleased to announce the full line-up for the CBF's Culture Club, which will take place at Charlbury Cricket Club on Saturday 24 June.
12.00-2.00: Family-friendly printmaking workshop with local artist Anthony Lloyd. Suitable for all ages and abilities – it’s free, so just drop in!
2.15-2.45: Charlbury Children’s Choir, led by Charlbury-based music teachers and composers Jennie Grierson and Jenny Mahler Larsen, sing a selection of their favourite songs
3.00: The Bodleian Library's Tolkien archivist Catherine McIlwaine on 'JRR Tolkien and Oxford'
3.45: On the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the Empire Windrush in the UK, Eddy Smythe will talk about his father: 'John Smythe QC, MBE – World War II airman, Empire Windrush pioneer, and Attorney General of Sierra Leone'
4.30: Paris-based cosmologist Dr Natalie Hogg on 'Cosmology's first century: a guided tour of the universe from Einstein to the James Webb Space Telescope'
5.15: John Partington on 'Beer and the Bible: why Jesus would have been a CAMRA member'
6.00: Charlbury Ukulele Group – bring along a ukulele and/or your voice if you want to join in!
Again we will be sharing a marquee with the tea tent, so non-drinkers as well as beer-drinkers are all very welcome.
Edward Fenton ·
Wed 24 May 2023, 16:29 · Link
Cornerstone food support
As you may be aware Cornerstone supports vulnerable households in Charlbury who are struggling financially - we link them with Citizens Advice, provide food support for a period of time, and help with specific requests such as school shoes, utility bill top ups and white goods as required.
For our weekly food bags we get surplus food from Oxford Food Hub and SOFEA, and we do a weekly supermarket top up shop.
Additionally Styan Family Produce, who regularly come to Charlbury markets, have contributed 10% of the sales to Charlbury Green Hub for organising the collection and this income was immediately used to pay for fresh food to go in the food bags. Most recently this has been used to buy 15 boxes of eggs from Church Lane Produce costing £25 each week. With the start of the new weekly market and Styan operating their own stall, the commission will cease and so we are looking for sponsorship to continue buying these.
If you would like to donate £25 per week to Cornerstone or could meet part of this cost could you get in touch - call Jo on 01608 810230 or email
You can see more about Cornerstone and details on how to donate at Cornerstone
If you haven't been in, we are open Monday - Saturday 10am - 1pm, so do come and see what it's all about.
Jo Paton ·
Mon 22 May 2023, 14:33 · Link
Found debit card in Hughes Close
Monzo debit card found. Hope I can restore to owner.
Helen Josephine Wright ·
Mon 22 May 2023, 12:42 · Link
Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council
The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.
- Oldner Lodge Charlbury Road
Discharge of condition 6 (full surface water drainage scheme) of planning permission 22/02325/FUL
WODC reference: 23/01282/CND - Wed 10 May 2023 - Under consideration
- Greenmantle The Slade Charlbury
Replacement entrance porch
WODC reference: 23/01178/HHD - Mon 15 May 2023 - Under consideration
Mon 22 May 2023, 06:15 · Link
10 more Volunteers required for Charlbury Beer Festival!
Many thanks to those of you who’ve responded so positively to last week's request for volunteers for the Charlbury Beer Festival. We now have over 40 volunteers but we still need to find at least 10 more before the big day on June 24th. if you’d like to help us out for a couple of hours, please get in touch.
As a volunteer, you’ll get free entry to the festival and a Charlbury Beer Festival t-shirt. You also get that warm fuzzy feeling from helping raise funds for local charities! If you would be willing to commit two or more hours of your day to helping us or just want to find out more, please get in touch using the email or link below.
Mick Donegan
Volunteer Form link
Michael Donegan ·
Sat 20 May 2023, 06:24 · Link
Charlbury market is back
The market returns from tomorrow (20th May) outside the community centre. Come and buy locally sourced, fresh produce.
Plus #southillsolar honey
Styans online orders will be available to collect from the Styans stall
Also @sesirefilluk: drop off your containers and @charlburygreenhub will refill during the week
Managed by @charlburytowncouncil
Lisa Wilkinson ·
Fri 19 May 2023, 11:47 · Link
30mph signs installed on B4026
The new 30mph signs have gone up between Charlbury and the campsite on the Spelsbury road. The new limit ends just beyond the campsite, from where it’s 40mph until Spelsbury itself.
Richard Fairhurst ·
Thu 18 May 2023, 10:58 · Link
Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council
The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.
Wed 17 May 2023, 12:13 · Link
Where is our Rowan tree ?
We were astonished and upset to find that the Rowan tree we had planted outside the Medical Centre was no longer there a couple of days ago, with the ground neatly levelled where it used to be. This tree was planted, thanks to a grant for Charlbury from Wilderness, to commemorate the work of the NHS during the Pandemic, and to enhance the small area of garden which we are gradually rewilding.
If anyone knows anything about this , please could they contact a member of the Patient Group Committee, or Christine Elliott.
Nikki Rycroft ·
Tue 16 May 2023, 11:26 · Link
Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council
The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.
- Lees Rest Bungalow Woodstock Road Charlbury
Certificate of lawfulness to allow residential dwelling house without an agricultural occupancy restriction.
WODC reference: 23/01146/CLE - Fri 21 Apr 2023 - Under consideration
- Lees Rest Lodge Woodstock Road Charlbury
Certificate of lawfulness (to confirm agricultural occupancy condition breached continuously for more than 10 years)
WODC reference: 23/01147/CLE - Fri 21 Apr 2023 - Under consideration
Mon 15 May 2023, 06:15 · Link
The bounds have been beaten
Sixteen residents have walked the parish boundary today, keeping alive the centuries-old tradition of "beating the bounds". Thank you to all the landowners who gave permission for the walk, as well as Nick Potter and Rob and Maxine Hobill for supporting us with a road escort and refreshments.
Claire Wilding ·
Sun 14 May 2023, 16:55 · Link
Volunteers needed for The Charlbury Beer Festival on June 24th
Charlbury Beer Festival is run to raise money for good causes. We need the help of volunteers to make that possible. No experience is required, of course!
It’s organised and run exclusively by volunteers. Every year, a large number of of generous people donate their time to make the festival happen. Whether it's welcoming guests at the gate, serving at the bar, or picking up litter, there are lots of jobs to do. The festival wouldn't be possible if it weren’t for this essential support.
As a volunteer, you’ll get free entry to the festival and a Charlbury Beer Festival t-shirt. You also get that warm fuzzy feeling from doing a good deed! If you would be willing to commit two or more hours of your day to helping us or just want to find out more, please get in touch with me, Mick Donegan, using the link below:
(*We are also especially grateful for people who can donate their time on the Friday or Sunday of the weekend, to help set up or take down.)
Mick Donegan
Michael Donegan ·
Sat 13 May 2023, 06:06 · Link
Rev Fr Clive Dytor to be inducted as Catholic priest of Chipping Norton and Charlbury
Friday 12th May at Holy Trinity, Chipping Norton, Fr Clive Dytor of Charlbury will be inducted as the new Parish priest of Holy Trinity, Chipping Norton and St Teresa’s , Charlbury. The Induction Mass begins at 7 pm and all are welcome.
Father Clive Dytor ·
Thu 11 May 2023, 13:52 · Link
Market Town Survey - Have Your Say
West Oxfordshire District Council have commissioned town regeneration experts, Heartflood Ltd, to carry out an independent study looking at ways in which they can support the market towns in the district. They have a limited amount of funding available through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and the study’s findings will help target that effectively. Gathering the views of the public, businesses and other town organisations is a really important aspect of this work and they are hoping that we can help to promote the surveys to residents that may work or visit the towns?
Surveys for all of the towns can be found here:
The surveys will only be live for 3 weeks and any support you can give to achieve a good response rate would be greatly appreciated. Charlbury is one of the specific options in this survey.
Gareth Epps ·
Wed 10 May 2023, 20:12 · Link
Just to confirm - CMC will hold a COVID vaccination clinic for all eligible patients: i.e. people aged 75 and over and people who are clinically vulnerable on Thursday, 11 May in the Football & Social Club as before.
If you have not received a text message or letter to fix an appointment, it is not too late to ring the Surgery on 01608 811680 (option 2) to book yourself in.
Please print and complete the consent form available on the home page of the Medical Centre website (or available at Reception at the Surgery) and remember to bring it with you.
Thank you.
Charlbury Patient Participation Group.
Meryl Smith ·
Wed 10 May 2023, 14:58 · Link
Madness in Charlbury
We are delighted to announce that the famous Inflatables band will be playing at Charlbury Cricket Club this Friday, 12th May. As the event has been sponsored by Coombe Roofing, the entrance is free for all. The evening will start with a full programme of All Stars, Dynamos and youth training before the band come on stage at 8pm. Food and a full licensed bar will be in full flow throughout the entire evening (starts 5.30pm) so come and make the most of the summer sunshine (currently forecast).
Paul D Jenkins ·
Wed 10 May 2023, 07:00 · Link
Summer Wine Tasting with Jazz
Try it before you buy it with some cool jazz as a chaser.
Taste a selection of at least 8 summer wines while listening to live jazz from D'Accord.
Saturday, 27th May from 6pm - 8pm at St Mary's Church. In support of St Mary's and its community initiatives.
£12/person Email Dine Glasgow for tickets
dine glasgow ·
Mon 8 May 2023, 14:30 · Link
Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council
The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.
- Kuzniks Pooles Lane Charlbury
Erection of single storey home office and garden store with covered bin store.
WODC reference: 23/01022/HHD - Wed 12 Apr 2023 - Under consideration
Mon 8 May 2023, 06:15 · Link
Revd Fergus Butler-Gallie appointed as Vicar of Charlbury
The Revd Fergus Butler-Gallie has been appointed as the next vicar of St Mary’s Charlbury and All Saints Shorthampton.
Fergus was ordained and served his curacy in the diocese of Liverpool and has since held posts in London and Kent, his current position being in chaplaincy at Tonbridge School. He is an author of books, articles and reviews. His interests are in travel, communication, humour, food and drink.
“I am hugely excited to take up the position of Vicar of Charlbury: to get to know more of the wonderful people in this beautiful town and to work together to speak of the joy, beauty and hope of Jesus Christ in this place. I have already been so touched by the welcome by the lovely people of St Mary’s and All Saints, Shorthampton and am looking forward to being with you soon to begin a journey of enormous opportunity and, I hope, fun together. In the mean time, please be assured of my prayers and do pray for me.”
Richard Fairhurst ·
Sun 7 May 2023, 12:11 · Link
CMC will hold a covid vaccination clinic for all eligible
patients: people aged 75and over, and people who are clinically vulnerable, on Thursday,
11 May in the Football & Social Club as before. Thank you to the Club for allowing the use of
the club house.
The medical centre will contact patients by text or
letter. Please do not telephone the
surgery unless you wish to change your appointment.
Please print and complete the consent form available on the
home page of the medical centre website and remember to bring it with you.
Thank you.
Charlbury Patient Participation Group.
susan smith ·
Sat 6 May 2023, 08:00 · Link
Come and see the Coronation flowers in St Mary's!
Thank you to the St Mary's flower team, the people who contributed flowers, foliage and plants, and everyone who helped yesterday and today.
We had a great response and the church looks fantastic! Do come down and see the flowers over the weekend. We don't quite rival the Abbey but we have made a good effort with locally grown and sourced flowers and foliage.
Hilli Waller ·
Fri 5 May 2023, 21:42 · Link
Charlbury Museum - A KIng's coin
In the spirit of regal celebrations and the crowning of King Charles III, a silver coin in the Hidden Treasures - Hidden Histories showcase exhibition spins one back in time to the 13th century when another king, Henry III, aged nine was crowned in 1216.
This short-cross silver penny depicting an idealised portrait of Henry bears the mark of Osmund, a moneyer of Canterbury, minted between 1236 - 1242. Hidden for centuries in the earth, a local detectorist found this treasure in a nearby field.
Henry's connection to Charlbury is significant; in 1256 he granted the Abbot and the Convent of Eynsham the priviledge of holding a weekly Monday market and a four day fair during August in Charlbury. The King's glove was hoisted on a pole at the top of Church Street to commence the fair. The Wychwood Forest was his royal hunting ground when he stayed at Woodstock.
Come and see more historic coins, gaze at the faces of a Plantagenet king, Elizabeth I and earlier Roman coins.
Hear the chimes of the museum's new arrival: a Charlbury clock by James Street 1830s!
Coronation weekend opening: Sunday 7 & Monday 8 2.30 - 4.30 pm The Museum will have a table at the 'Big Help Out' on Monday.
Sue Rangeley ·
Fri 5 May 2023, 17:44 · Link
Free Cream Tea at the Big Help Out
Come and enjoy a free cream tea (while supplies last) on Monday 8th May as you browse the stalls set up by the wonderful charitable groups in Charlbury. Maybe you could sign up to lend a hand with one of them. There will be children’s activities so bring the family. The Lord Lieutenant of Oxfordshire, our very own Majorie Glasgow, will open the event at 2pm at the Memorial Hall.
Alison Derham ·
Fri 5 May 2023, 12:58 · Link
Andy Graham re-elected as Charlbury & Finstock district councillor
Andy Graham (Liberal Democrats) has been re-elected as one of the two district councillors for the Charlbury & Finstock ward on West Oxfordshire District Council.
Full results:
- Andy Graham (LibDem): 844
- Caspar Morris (Conservative): 337
- Liz Reason (Green): 141
- Florence O’Neill (Labour): 108
Turnout was 47.2%. Charlbury traditionally has among the highest turnout figures of any local election.
The other district seat is held by Liz Leffman (also Liberal Democrats) and was not up for election this year.
Richard Fairhurst ·
Fri 5 May 2023, 11:29 · Link
CCW opening Saturday 20 May 5:30pm onwards plus BBQ

Colin Critch ·
Thu 4 May 2023, 21:27 · Link
Vandalism on Nine Acres Recreation Ground
Very sadly, we are experiencing some vandalism on Nine Acres recreation ground, which has been carried out to the new picnic benches and childrens play equipment. Can I please ask that if any vandalism is spotted, that is reported to the Town Council as soon as possible,as this can help us ensure we can implement regular checks by community police officers. The recreation area is available to be used by all but we will take the appropriate action that may include banning orders and compensation claims in courts if equipment is continually abused and not be able to be used by smaller children. We really hope we do not have to follow this course of action.
Paul D Jenkins ·
Thu 4 May 2023, 16:17 · Link
Fancy winning two free admission tickets to the 25th Charlbury Beer Festival on Saturday 24 June? Successfully identify all the houses numbered 25 in Charlbury for your chance to win! Closing date: May 25th (obviously). Please send your answers to . Good luck.
Nick Millea ·
Thu 4 May 2023, 09:51 · Link
We need your flower, plant & foliage contributions!
We need offerings from your gardens!
Please give us any foliage, flowers, plants/herbs in pots, that we can borrow for the weekend!
Charlbury is blessed with many talented, generous gardeners willing to share their gardens with us once a year. The display of beautiful flowers, shrubs and trees always provides a huge treat for local people on Charlbury Open Gardens Day.
2023 is a Coronation Year and so the Church flower group along with the Charlbury Garden Society are hoping to do something special to celebrate the occasion. Our plan is to fill the church with British flowers and foliage as an appropriate celebration of the Coronation Day itself and of the produce of Charlbury’s gardens in early May.
We are keen to celebrate King Charles’s love of nature and the British countryside, so we would be most grateful for donations of home grown flowers, foliage, herbs and plants.
We know that early May isn’t the best time for lots of flowers in our gardens, but a handful, an armful or a bucketful, (even a crownful!), will all be accepted with considerable thanks.
We would like all contributions to be brought to the church between 8.30 and 9.30am on FRIDAY 5th MAY, or in the afternoon of THURSDAY 4th MAY between 4.00 and 5.00pm. Please let us know if you’d like to contribute but you can’t bring them yourself on that day. We will arrange to have them collected. Also if you would like to bring a specific arrangement of your own, please put your name and phone number on the bottom of the vase or container so that we can return it to you.
The church will then be open for everyone to enjoy the displays and be part of the Commemorative Service to mark the Coronation of HRH King Charles lll at 11.00am on Sunday 7th May
Please email asap if you would like to contribute or help in any way.
Many thanks in anticipation of your kind help and generosity.
Hilli Waller - St Mary’s Church flowers
Alison Derham - Charlbury Garden Society
Hilli Waller ·
Wed 3 May 2023, 12:19 · Link
New Fiction Bookshop at the Corner House
From Wednesday 3 May Charlbury Community Bookshop is being extended with the addition of a Fiction bookshop in the Morris Room. All titles £1, or three for £2. Further details here.
John Partington ·
Tue 2 May 2023, 22:29 · Link
Getting to local Coronation events on Sunday, 7 May
If you would like to attend the Special Commemorative Service at St Mary’s Church starting at 11.00 a.m. and/or the Coronation Big Lunch on the Nine Acres Playing Field starting at 12.00 p.m. and if you need transport to get there but have no family, friends or neighbours available, All Together In Charlbury (ATIC) will try to help.
Please phone ATIC’s special mobile number 07487 413892 no later than 5.00 p.m. on Friday, 5 May to make a request. While ATIC’s service is normally not available at weekends, we are happy to try to help on this special Sunday, 7 May.
(Please note that this is not our usual helpline number which should be used to request transport to any other appointment.)
Details of the Jubilee events on Sunday 7 May can be found in the Events section of this website and on the Charlbury Town Council’s website:
Details so far of the Big Lunch are as follows:
• Bring your own picnic - and there will also be free barbecued food available – one item per person while stocks last!
• The Community Centre Café will be open and there will also be a bar
• There will be live music by local groups and children’s activities
• Limited seating will be available for anyone not able to bring their own picnic blanket or chair
If you can think of someone who might be glad of a lift but is not likely to see this information on this website, please pass on this message – or, perhaps, offer them a lift yourself, if you can.
Meryl Smith
Meryl Smith ·
Tue 2 May 2023, 14:06 · Link