Changes at Chloe's
Hello, we’re back!
If I’m totally honest I have been balking at the thought of writing this post. Summer has brought much soul-searching and number crunching for us.
We are at a point where we need to make some changes at Chloe’s, although so many of you have been coming, and we have so loved welcoming you. We are having to pivot a bit in order to balance the books and keep my work-life balance in check. So here’s a heads-up that this may be the first of a couple of changes we make this Autumn.
For the next three weeks we will be running our menu a little differently, the same amazing local produce and my style of cooking but now as a set menu. For those of you who like to pop in for a drink and a snack we still have you covered with a concise little selection. We will also be open Thursday and Friday nights only.
My goal has always been for Chloe’s to be affordable local spot but these are precarious times for hospitality so I’m trying to find some imaginative ways to bolster our business and sure it up for the future. This is one way we can continue to do that and keep it a lovely, community-based place (there are others and we’ll keep on trying until we get there!).
The couple of pictures on this post illustrate next week’s menu, a gorgeous Thai-inspired feast including mega local sweetcorn from our lovely friends at Church Lane, gorgeous veg from the mega-crew at Kitchen Garden and beautifully raised beef from Pudlicote Farm. This menu can be made suitable to GF, VE and VEG and there’s details the snacks we’re aiming to produce too.
As ever you can book on the website, We can’t wait to see all our lovely friends and customers. Thanks for bearing with us and hope to see you soon!
Chloe Horner ·
Fri 30 Aug 2024, 18:46 · Link
Spendlove car park survey is continuing ......
Thank you to all the volunteers that helped the Town Council carry out the car parking survey last week. Thank you equally to those of you who stopped and had a chat. It was really interesting to find out who uses the car park for how long and for what!
We are continuing the survey next week and would love some more volunteers to step forward to help us out. This involves a two hour shift at the car park and asking 4 brief questions to people who have parked their cars. The dates are 3rd, 4th and 5th September between 8am and 6pm. Please contact Lisa if you can lend a hand.
Thank you
Lisa Wilkinson ·
Fri 30 Aug 2024, 12:44 · Link
Charlbury Community Workshop showcased by council
Charlbury Community Workshop has been celebrated in a story about the important role grass roots organisations play in supporting the wellbeing of people closer to home.
The new community hub officially opened in April this year and supports the health and wellbeing of local residents by bringing them together to craft, recycle and repurpose second hand items, giving members a sense of belonging and purpose.
The workshop received a £2,750 grant through Oxfordshire County Council’s connected communities fund, helping to officially launch the centre and budget for its running costs for the next 12 months.
Councillor Tim Bearder, Oxfordshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, said: "Charlbury community workshop is an excellent example of our Oxfordshire Way in action. The centre supports people to live happily and independently within their own communities, helping to prevent ill health brought on through loneliness and inactivity."
Since opening its doors in April, the workshop has been running three sessions per week for people looking to hone their skills in soft crafts, including fabrics, sewing and crochet, and hard crafts such as woodwork and bench repairs.
The financial stability secured following the successful grant application has enabled the trustees and members to plan for the future, with a focus of extending the workshop’s reach to even more people.
David Court, Chairman of Charlbury Community Workshop, said: “The money we received through the connected communities fund has had a massive impact on getting us to where we are now. We can operate safely and invite even more members of our community to come along and find out what we’re all about.”
Find out more about Charlbury community workshop, including how to get involved, on its website.
Victoria Walton ·
Wed 28 Aug 2024, 12:41 · Link
Autumn Plant Swap

The Garden Society is holding its next Plant Swap on Sat 19th October!
Time to start thinking about any plants you may wish to divide or spare plants you might wish to share!
See here for more info:
Geneviève Hug ·
Tue 27 Aug 2024, 15:19 · Link
New Sustainable Charlbury website
A new Sustainable Charlbury website has just launched, refreshed and redesigned to better reflect our values and objectives. This has been developed in collaboration by local company Me3.
Sustainable Charlbury provide grants for projects that reduce carbon emissions and help restore nature. These are funded from revenues generated by the Southill Community Energy solar farm, bringing real benefits to Charlbury and the local community in West Oxfordshire. The grant programme has been very successful, and is available to community-led organisations that undertake activities that reduce carbon emissions. To date over £82k has been granted across 37 projects and 14 organisations, from retrofitting community buildings, providing educational support to local schools, to supporting local organic food growing and supply.
The full site will be ready in the autumn but it was important to get an interim site up and running so that grant applications could continue to be made. The new site provides an easy-to-use portal for applying to the Sustainable Charlbury grants programme.
Sustainable Charlbury are actively looking for new projects to support in the community of Charlbury and its immediate vicinity. If you feel that your group or organisation have a project that could benefit from funding to help reduce your carbon footprint or improve biodiversity through nature recovery, we would love to hear from you. Please get in touch via our new website
Tim Crisp ·
Mon 26 Aug 2024, 13:19 · Link
Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council
The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.
- 3 Sturt Road Charlbury
Proposed single storey rear link extension and conversion of outbuilding to habitable space
WODC reference: 24/02022/HHD - Mon 19 Aug 2024 - Under consideration
- 14 Hill Close Charlbury
Variation of condition 1 of Planning Permission 23/03112/HHD to retain existing concreted drive
WODC reference: 24/02006/S73 - Mon 19 Aug 2024 - Under consideration
Mon 26 Aug 2024, 06:15 · Link
Ditchley Park to Host Wine Tasting and Jazz Event
Come join us for some delicious wines and sparkling jazz at the remarkable Ditchley Park.
On Saturday, 28th September, from 6 - 8pm, you will be able to taste 8 specially selected wines (non-alcoholic options available) while exploring one of the 10 best private homes in England.
Tickets are £20/person and we are limited to 75 people at the event. All proceeds will support St. Mary's Church and its local initiatives. Please use the link below to RSVP.
dine glasgow ·
Sun 25 Aug 2024, 15:03 · Link
CHARLBURY ARTS FESTIVAL continues throughout the weekend until Monday night.
On Sunday afternoon we have a Harpsichord Recital from the virtuoso musician Arne Richards. The grand finale on Monday evening is Sax Lyrical. Mingus Tree + the Four Wordsmen of the Apostrophe.
There are lots of other events including a wonderful exhibition of maps in the Corner House plus Morris Dancing and a Nature walk on Monday afternoon. They are all detailed under the events section.
The Secret Exhibition showing sixty mini masterpieces by local artists is still showing in Charlbury Deli and Café and there is a handful of works left to purchase for £30 each.
Tony Lloyd ·
Thu 22 Aug 2024, 08:53 · Link
Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council
The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.
- 9 Woodstock Road Charlbury
Erection of replacement garage
WODC reference: 24/02083/HHD - Tue 13 Aug 2024 - Under consideration
- 62 The Slade Charlbury
Conversion and extension of former garage to form garden room.
WODC reference: 24/01996/HHD - Wed 14 Aug 2024 - Under consideration
Mon 19 Aug 2024, 06:15 · Link
Spendlove car park survey
The Town Council is investigating what can be done about parking in the town. One of the various strands it is looking at is how the (District Council owned) Spendlove car park is used. We are carrying out a survey over 3 days next week (Tuesday to Thursday) and then a further 3 days in September (when the schools are back). The survey involves noting how long cars are parked there and asking drivers 4 really quick questions. We really need your help to staff these days. If you are available and willing to do a 2 hour shift please contact Lisa. Thank you.
Lisa Wilkinson ·
Wed 14 Aug 2024, 10:30 · Link
Charlbury Emergency Plan - can you help in the event of an emergency?
Nearly all emergencies affecting the community will be dealt with routinely by joint response of the emergency services, local authorities and the major utilities. However, there may be occasions when the arrival of outside assistance is delayed, and the community will need to help itself.
Charlbury Town Council is putting together a Parish Emergency Plan to provide contacts and a basic framework for managing the initial stages of a major emergency that may threaten the safety and welfare of the community, its people and property. It is not the intention of this plan to replace in any way help from the recognised emergency services.
In this (very unlikely) event, do you have resources or skills that could help?
We are looking for people with the following who would be willing to step forward if needed:
- Petrol driven Pump
- Four wheel drive vehicles
- Emergency lighting:
- Torches
- Portable LED Work Light
- Tripod Mounted Double LED Lights
- Camp beds
- Emergency supply of petrol
We also need a local electrician.
Your name would be on the publicly available Emergency Plan but your contact details would only be available to the Emergency Management Team.
If you have any of the above and are willing to be called upon in an emergency please contact Lisa.
Thank you.
Lisa Wilkinson ·
Tue 13 Aug 2024, 15:13 · Link
Cornerstone shop - Children's books
Parents and children may like to know that Cornerstone shop volunteers ordered and labelled children's fiction into age-related categories. Open during the holidays, do come and browse, Monday- Saturday, 10am-1pm. Still only £0.50 per book!
Birgit den Outer ·
Sat 10 Aug 2024, 14:12 · Link
Road closure at Crawborough
Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice – S14 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
Temporary Emergency Road Closure – at Charlbury, Crawborough
Oxfordshire County Council has been informed of a temporary emergency road closure on Crawborough whilst works to replace a defective boundary box are carried out for public safety reasons.
A temporary Emergency Notice is being made to implement the temporary closure and will operate from 8 August 2024.
The anticipated completion date is 12 August 2024, 24 hours per day.
Access will be maintained for emergency service vehicles and for those frontages within the closure area, subject to the progress of the works and liaison with the works supervisor.
Further information regarding the emergency works may be obtained by contacting Thames Water helpline on 0800 316 9800.
Lisa Wilkinson ·
Thu 8 Aug 2024, 11:47 · Link
Three weeks left to purchase early bird tickets
As the festivities continue in Charlbury, there are only three weeks left to purchase your early bird tickets for Charlbury Octoberfest. This year is bigger and better!! Tickets will remain available online and on the gate, subject to availability but if you want a discount act now and get your early bird ticket!
Paul D Jenkins ·
Thu 8 Aug 2024, 09:34 · Link
A Further Warning About The Trains Next Week
Lisa and I posted our comments at the same time but below you will find an additional piece of advice - in Paragraph 2.
A reminder from CLPG that the rail service will be interrupted next week due to track replacement work. From Monday 12th to Thursday 15th August buses will replace trains between Charlbury and Moreton in Marsh.
Whilst there are few significant changes to the services between Charlbury and stations to Paddington and v.v., there are one or two where departure times have been brought forward by a minute or two – enough of a change to make the difference between catching or missing your train!
If you are travelling during the above period, check your journey by going to:
Also, be aware that there will be greatly reduced parking at the station to accommodate the replacement coaches.
Brian Murray ·
Wed 7 Aug 2024, 20:01 · Link
Latest speedwatch data
Here is the latest speedwatch data from the camera on The Slade (from late June to early August). Thanks to the speedwatch team for these statistics.
Lisa Wilkinson ·
Wed 7 Aug 2024, 14:15 · Link
No trains between Charlbury and Moreton in Marsh next week
There is rail improvement work taking place next week on the North Cotswold line, between Charlbury and Moreton-in-Marsh. Network Rail will be replacing track on this route to ensure the railway remains safe and reliable for use.
Between Monday 12 and Thursday 15 August, no trains will run between Charlbury and Moreton-in-Marsh, with replacement buses running instead. Trains will still run between London Paddington and Charlbury via Oxford, and between Moreton-in-Marsh and Worcester/Hereford. There will also be a limited number of trains that run direct between Worcester/Hereford and London Paddington via Swindon.
Online journey planners have been updated and they have also been making customers aware through on board and at station announcements, station posters and digital displays, and through social and traditional media including their media release here:
Lisa Wilkinson ·
Wed 7 Aug 2024, 13:29 · Link
Charlbury Cricket Club is 150
As you may well have seen, Charlbury Cricket Club is 150 years old this year and to celebrate, we are hosting the famous Marylebone Cricket Club on Monday 26th August. Play starts at 11.30 am, that will incorporate a marquee lunch and tea, with visits from the Hook Norton Shire Horses, Oxford Jazz band and Wychwood Morris Dancers. We are hoping its going to be a very special community day. Lunch is at 1.30pm with tea at 4.15pm.
We are offering 25 free tickets to the Community to join us for lunch with the players and if you would like to attend simply email Tickets will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Alternatively, simply turn up with a picnic and camp out and enjoy the day. The bar is open and festivities start after the presidents speech at 11.25am. Please be part of our special day!!
Paul D Jenkins ·
Wed 7 Aug 2024, 11:46 · Link
Rail Disruption Next Week
A reminder from CLPG that the rail service will be interrupted next week due to track replacement work. From Monday 12th to Thursday 15th August buses will replace trains between Charlbury and Moreton in Marsh.
Whilst there are few significant changes to the services between Charlbury and stations to Paddington and v.v., there are one or two where departure times have been brought forward by a minute or two – enough of a change to make the difference between catching or missing your train!
If you are travelling during the above period, check your journey by going to:
Also, be aware that there will be greatly reduced parking at the station to accommodate the replacement coaches.
Brian Murray ·
Wed 7 Aug 2024, 11:33 · Link
Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council
The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.
- 7 Chartwell Drive Charlbury
Replacement of wooden shed with steel shed.
WODC reference: 24/01895/HHD - Mon 29 Jul 2024 - Under consideration
- Watermans Lodge Cornbury Park Charlbury
Change of use and conversion of agricultural building to office use (class E)
WODC reference: 24/01893/FUL - Mon 22 Jul 2024 - Under consideration
- Bell Hotel Church Street Charlbury
Erection of an external store, erection of a replacement bar and erection of a pizza bar (retrospective).
WODC reference: 24/01833/FUL - Thu 01 Aug 2024 - Under consideration
Mon 5 Aug 2024, 06:15 · Link
Ian Parsons
Sadly Ian passed away on 26 July and his funeral will take place on Thursday 15 August at North Oxford Crematorium at 1.00pm.
Jane parsons ·
Thu 1 Aug 2024, 19:13 · Link
The Secret Art Exhibition
The Secret Art Exhibition is now open in the Charlbury Deli and Café.
Sixty mini-masterpieces have been donated by 35 local artists. The show includes drawings and original prints as well as paintings in any medium, all framed. To add to the mystery, the work is signed on the back so the artist will be anonymous until the work is purchased. There is a list of contributing artists on display. See if you can recognise any of their work.
All work is for sale for £30 and sales open at 9.00 on 16th August. The exhibition closes on 21st August.
All proceeds will go to support Charlbury Festival which runs over the Bank Holiday weekend from Friday 23rd to Monday 26th August. Festival Programmes have been delivered to all Charlbury homes and are available in many locations in the town and surrounding area including in the Deli.
The Charlbury Festival is packed with poetry, music, sculpture, drama, printmaking, singing, heritage and nature walks, local history, mosaic making, painting, lectures, ceramics. All the activities are also on the Charlbury Events website.
Tickets are on sale now at Charlbury Deli (cash only) and selling fast so go round as soon as you can - and whilst you are there why not try out their brand-new coffee machine?
Tony Lloyd ·
Thu 1 Aug 2024, 09:32 · Link
Wilderness contact information
If you need to contact the Wilderness organisers this weekend here are the details:
Resident’s Phoneline number is 020 8080 1416. This is the fastest way to reach them with any queries or concerns, during the following opening hours:
Thursday 1st August from 10am – Sunday 4th August - our event/licensed entertainment days.
24 hours
Monday 5th August
08:00 – 20:00
They also have a year-round dedicated Resident’s Email:
For general queries you can visit our website and use the Contact Us link:
Lisa Wilkinson ·
Thu 1 Aug 2024, 09:09 · Link