CRAG Concerts announced
The 2023-4 Memorial Hall Sunday tea-concert season has now been announced:
Nick Parker · Wed 30 Aug 2023, 11:20 · Link
The 2023-4 Memorial Hall Sunday tea-concert season has now been announced:
Nick Parker · Wed 30 Aug 2023, 11:20 · Link
We had a very successful Beer Festival back in June. The total amount raised by the event was close to £25,000, and we thank all those who volunteered to help out, and those that came along on the day to support us.
Some of the money was raised by the Thomas Gifford Trust, St Mary's Church, Charlbury Pre-School and The Guides for their own funds, but we have around £20,000 of Beer Festival money now available in the form of grants. To apply, and to find further information, take a look at our website: https://grants.charlburybeerfestival.org/
The current application window will run until 31st October. The organising committee will meet in November to evaluate submissions and distribute the funds.
Matt Bullock · Mon 28 Aug 2023, 15:57 · Link
As people will be aware, the Charlbury Street Fair is held on the third Saturday in September, and this year that's the 16th of the month. We will, as in the past few years, have a main stage in front of the Bell, as well as two minor stages in the garden of the Bull and Corner house. The Bell stage will be a bit of a squeeze with the redevelopment, but the hotel's management have been very helpful in accommodating us.
Dave Oates has done his usual sterling job of booking acts and will be acting as compère on the day as well as performing himself. I am extremely please that he has, again, managed to book The Standard for the headline act on Saturday night, who produce superb versions of standard songs from across the decades in their own inimitable style. Strongly recommended.
There will also be performance artists doing the rounds of the streets on the day.
This is the current schedule
The Bull Garden
2pm Rhiannon Fitzgerald
3pm Crooked Little Heart
4pm Laura Jones
The Corner House
2:30 Sadie Bosher
3:30 Jim Pierce
4:30 Newspaper Taxi
Main Stage
7pm The Vodka Shots
8:30 The Standard
10pm CLOSESteve Jones · Thu 24 Aug 2023, 15:33 · Link
So this big boy arrived at the hegspital with a horrid injury to his belly. Charlbury vets spent a good while cleaning him up, but he forgot to bring his Apple Pay to pay for his medicines. He has left Hedgefund with a bill of 25£ for medicines, if anyone would be interested and able to help him out. He had a miserable few days tucked into a sleeping bag, but is much jollier now.
Financial donations can be made referenced ‘Hedge Fund’ to the ‘Charlbury Wildlife Society’ account number 77328260 and sort code 30-91-92.
Items for the Heg-spital can be bought via the regularly updated Hedge Fund amazon wish.
Hedge Fund · Wed 23 Aug 2023, 20:50 · Link
Last week of Early bird tickets available. They are selling fast so you are strongly advised to get your tickets early. We will be selling tickets on the door subject to availability. The bands have now all been confirmed and include Mingus Tree, Jubilee Brass band, The Inflatables and The Village Idiots.
Paul D Jenkins · Wed 23 Aug 2023, 09:43 · Link
I have been made aware that GWR contractors are removing any bike locks left at the station to progress the work they are doing. If you have left a lock there please can you retrieve it ASAP?
Lisa Wilkinson · Wed 23 Aug 2023, 09:35 · Link
Please be aware that the parking payment machine is not working at the station, so you may need the Apcoa Connect app or to call Apcoa using the number on the machine in order to park your car.
Hugo Pickering · Tue 22 Aug 2023, 10:22 · Link
The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.
Mon 21 Aug 2023, 06:15 · Link
The Premises Licence for the Wilderness Festival is due to expire on the 31st August 2023, and if the event is to take place again a new application needs to be submitted. If a new application is received by WODC there will be a 28 day consultation period where anyone can submit a representation which falls under one or more of the Licensing Objectives;-
• The prevention of crime and disorder
• Public safety
• Prevention of public nuisance
• Protection of children from harm.
Further information about this will be posted if/when a new application is submitted
Liz Leffman · Fri 18 Aug 2023, 13:27 · Link
Due to the holiday period, the application deadline for the vacancy on the Town Council has been extended until 21st August.
Make a difference to your Town Council
· Get involved with your community
· Have a say about the local issues people care about
· Influence local service delivery
· Decide how local money is spent to improve your community
See the work that the Town Council is doing here: https://charlbury-tc.gov.uk/
For more information contact Lisa by email or phone:
clerk@charlbury-tc.gov.uk / 07311 256412
Lisa Wilkinson · Thu 17 Aug 2023, 11:19 · Link
Our bedroom reservations are now open, and we can't wait to welcome you.
We have 10 en-suite bedrooms that are perfect for a single night stay or a long weekend away and have everything you need for a relaxing countryside escape 🌾
Kamil Swiderek · Wed 16 Aug 2023, 19:36 · Link
To update you on our guests; we have 3 youngsters, ready to be released once used to the outdoor life again, the beautiful albino, Marilyn is doing great and getting around outside despite her poor eye sight. Our home made baby Romeo greets me every morning when i enter the hegispital for a cuddle and breakfast!. Hook Norton vets have been kindly helping us treat a badly injured adult male we are caring for at the hegspital. He is still weak but we are hoping he will heal to live on the wildside again.
Our running costs for dry food, vet bills (at cost), medicines, treatments and disinfectants etc are approx £100 a month. We are also hoping to invest in a safe outdoor run and some additional housing for the heg-otel over the coming months.
If you would like to contribute either as a one off, or on a regularly basis we would be very grateful. We are totally dependant on support from the community and friend's to meet our costs.
Financial donations can be made referenced ‘Hedge Fund’ to the ‘Charlbury Wildlife Society’ account number 77328260 and sort code 30-91-92.
Items for the Heg-spital can be bought via the regularly updated Hedge Fund amazon wish list https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/106KZ9QL76WDH?ref=cm_sw_em_r_un_un_5hE6kOaAe9q8H.
Thank you and look out for our exciting evening visit events soon.
Hedge Fund · Tue 15 Aug 2023, 21:01 · Link
Oxfordshire County Council is now advertising its annual programme of free electric blanket safety checks. These electric blanket tests are normally very popular and places are limited. So, if you want to have a blanket checked, you must pre-book a test by phoning 01865 895999 or emailing duty.officer@oxfordshire.gov.uk
Tests in West Oxfordshire will take place on Thursday, 21 September and Thursday, 5 October. The actual location and a specific time slot will be provided when you make a booking:
Testing electric blankets has taken place in Oxfordshire for over 20 years. Apparently, the failure rate is regularly around 30 per cent, emphasising the value of getting electric blankets checked
Please alert anyone you know who might benefit from a blanket test.
Meryl Smith · Fri 11 Aug 2023, 15:35 · Link
Charlbury has a new Defibrillator.
It has been placed on the external wall of the entrance porch of St Mary’s church. Although owned by the church, anyone in Charlbury is welcome to use it anytime as necessary.
The box containing it is locked by a keypad but the combination code can be obtained by phoning 999
It is very easy to use if you are trained. The course organised by Russell Ingham at the Community Centre is highly recommended.
Paddy Gallagher, Churchwarden.
Patrick Gallagher · Fri 11 Aug 2023, 15:02 · Link
Charlbury Town Council has a vacancy for the role of town councillor.
Make a difference to your Town Council
· Get involved with your community
· Have a say about the local issues people care about
· Influence local service delivery
· Decide how local money is spent to improve your community
See the work that the Town Council is doing here:
For more information contact Lisa by email or phone:
07311 256412
Applications to be in by 15th August
Lisa Wilkinson · Thu 10 Aug 2023, 15:11 · Link
Save a Life: Training available in Charlbury
When a person is in cardiac arrest their heart stops pumping blood, which means their brain gets no oxygen.
Without CPR the person will die in minutes. CPR keeps the heart pumping blood around the body until emergency help arrives.
Knowing how, and when to use a defibrillator saves lives.
There will be one last opportunity to attend a training session in Charlbury on how and when to use a defibrillator, and how to give CPR – Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation. The training will be given by our local First Responder, Russell Ingham.
When: Saturday, 2 September
Time: 2pm to 3pm
Where: Charlbury Community Centre
Children aged 8 and over are welcome.
If you would like to learn how to save the life of a friend, relative, or a fellow citizen please email:
Spaces are limited.
This will be the last of four training sessions in Charlbury.
susan smith · Tue 8 Aug 2023, 19:28 · Link
It's been a bit of a dry spell for travellers from Charlbury Station since the flood before Christmas, but now we are back serving up great coffee, tea, freshly baked pastries and snacks from 06:00 until after the 11:10 train Monday - Friday.
Leave a few minutes before your train departure and pick up a hot brew before you board!
Hugo Pickering · Tue 8 Aug 2023, 18:06 · Link
The Bull is now open 7 days a week. New opening hours.
Monday - Saturday 12pm - 11:30pm
Sunday 12pm - 11pm
Kamil Swiderek · Mon 7 Aug 2023, 14:27 · Link
Following on from the success of the Spring Show 2023 with wonderful new entries, the Garden Society would like to encourage all gardeners, including children, to have a go at entering flowers, vegetables and produce for a bumper Annual Show in the Memorial Hall this autumn on Saturday 2nd September.
Shows are open to everyone, members and non-members!
The children's classes (4-7 years and 8-12 years) include at least one aspect of 'growing', plus some craft or cookery. Some entries will need to be planned for or prepared well in advance!
Please see the Event entry below for more information:
Geneviève Hug · Mon 7 Aug 2023, 10:33 · Link
The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.
Mon 7 Aug 2023, 06:15 · Link
We are also happy to say we are offering a further round of Local Weekend tickets for £140 and Local Sunday Day tickets for £90.
Both are available to residents within the postcode OX7 3** and OX29 9**
Max 4 adult tickets per household and max 4 under 18s per adult
Under 18s must always be accompanied by an adult 18+ and cannot camp separately
To Register You Will Need
Proof of address: Utility bill or bank statement (within the last 3 months) including full name and address containing the postcode OX7 3** or OX29 9**
Proof of identity: With full name matching that on the proof of address
If you would like to purchase these on arrival, please bring the above registration documents to either our Pedestrian (Yellow), Red, or Pick Up Drop Off (Green) Box Office, depending on how you're travelling to the festival and our teams there will process this for you.
Fri 4 Aug 2023, 14:19 · Link
Sustainable Charlbury is looking for a high quality photographer to help us with images of case studies for some of the projects we have supported recently. Including time for facilitation and arranging visits, this should be around a day to a day and a half of time.
If you’re interested, please send your details, likely costs and examples of your work to team@sustainablecharlbury.org
Gareth Epps · Fri 4 Aug 2023, 11:17 · Link
It’s been a busy month at the Hedgefund. The lovely Heggie (the one with the leg), left us in charge of her 3 babies at 2 weeks old, whilst she headed off into the moon light. They joined a litter of 2 from oxford, and a few other youngsters from Charlbury. At one point we were bottle feeding 5 every few hours! Hoglets are notoriously hard to hand raise and they have a very low success rate. They need just the right amount of the right milk in small amounts and need to be kept warm and snuggly.
It took a village of surrogate mums and grannies, working super hard around the clock with support from Hook Norton vets (a special thanks to the wonderful Emma!!). Advice has been kindly provided by Vale Wildlife Hospital and the Chipping Norton hedgehog nurse. Some of our guests brought in their own guests (lung worm and round worm) which we successfully treated. Sadly, a few didn’t make it, but we are proud parents to the beautiful home breed Romeo.
Lilly (the albino) and Stevie Pricks are gaining weight nicely. We are worried about Lilly’s eyes and trying to find an expert to test whether or not she is blind. A few of the larger females and one male adult have been released locally.
We are very grateful for all of your continued support towards our current monthly costs, which approximately are £200;
£20 Medicines and vet costs
£130 Baby milk, special baby meat and dry cat food
£35 Puppy pads, disinfectants and skin/parasite treatments
£15 Stool samples and testing via Vale
Over the next few months, we need to buy some additional outdoor houses (the small ones can fit through the wire of the crates) and more indoor crates. We also need to build a large outdoor pen.
Items for the Heg-spital can be bought via the regularly updated Hedge Fund amazon wish list https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/106KZ9QL76WDH?ref=cm_sw_em_r_un_un_5hE6kOaAe9q8H
Financial donations can be made referenced ‘Hedge Fund’ to the ‘Charlbury Wildlife Society’ account number 77328260 and sort code 30-91-92.
Look out for our new instagram account and boutique fundraising events. Please contact us via the forum if you would like to visit (for a small donation).
Hedge Fund · Wed 2 Aug 2023, 14:03 · Link