Changes to waste disposal at the Town Cemetery
Recent visitors to the Town Cemetery on Pound Hill, may have noticed that the two large bins have been removed. This is because of a change to Town Council policy. Rubbish that has historically been left there was very difficult to separate into compostable, recycling and refuse with a large amount of dog poo bags also being dumped there.
The Town Council has ordered wheelie bins - garden waste, recycling and refuse. These will be situated near the lych gate and will be emptied regularly by the District Council.
If the bins are full when you are there, please take your rubbish home with you.
Thank you
Lisa Wilkinson ·
Fri 30 Sep 2022, 15:43 · Link
20mph for Charlbury?
Charlbury Town Council would like your views on a town-wide 20mph limit.
If you would like to complete a survey on this please go the Council website:
The closing date for surveys is 12th October.
Thanks for your time.
Lisa Wilkinson ·
Thu 29 Sep 2022, 17:49 · Link
Sale of The Bell
You may have heard rumours about the sale of The Bell.
The Town Council has been in contact with the Lionhearth Group. They state that they are in the process of purchasing the Bell. The Lionhearth Group run several pubs in the local area (which you may know?), they include.
1. The Chequers, Churchill, Chipping Norton; and
2. The Swan, Ascott-under-Wychwood.
They have also recently acquired and are due to re-open The Salford Inn at Salford within weeks. The Cock Inn at Combe is also to be refurbished shortly which is to reopen as a pub, with food. Finally, they own The Plough at Kingham, which is leased out.
The MD of the Lionhearth Group has stated: 'As with the pubs we currently operate, they are central to the community they serve. Our intentions for The Bell would continue the same ethos that underpins our values. Our investment would of course not only extensively improve the pub but would be of benefit to the community. We’re in the business of creating memories through fantastic service, food and drink and we fully intend to continue this vain at the Bell, we’re excited at the prospects of doing so.'
Lisa Wilkinson ·
Thu 29 Sep 2022, 12:11 · Link
Oxfordshire Cost of Living Grant Scheme
Groups in Charlbury might want to take note of this grant offer, with a deadline of 17 October. We have been made aware of an Oxfordshire-specific grant stream that you may wish to explore, which is run by Oxfordshire Community Foundation: and which may be appropriate for some community business groups’ activities.
Please make sure you read the detail and especially the eligibility criteria and contact OCF direct with any questions.
Gareth Epps ·
Thu 29 Sep 2022, 11:49 · Link
Town Council grants
Just a reminder that any organisations wishing to apply for a TC grant for April 2023 need to send in their applications by 31st October.
The application form can be found here:
Or contact me directly for a hard copy.
Lisa Wilkinson ·
Thu 29 Sep 2022, 09:57 · Link
Oxfordshire Cost of Living Grant Scheme
Groups in Charlbury might want to take note of this grant offer, with a deadline of 17 October. We have been made aware of an Oxfordshire-specific grant stream that you may wish to explore, which is run by Oxfordshire Community Foundation: and which may be appropriate for some community business groups’ activities.
Please make sure you read the detail and especially the eligibility criteria and contact OCF direct with any questions.
Gareth Epps ·
Wed 28 Sep 2022, 19:22 · Link
Charlbury Arts Membership is now over 200
Thirty-five years ago, a handful of artists started the Charlbury Art Society to support and encourage the visual arts in the town. Membership has grown steadily over the years and now exceeds 200.
With monthly talks and demonstrations, two exhibitions each year, workshops, and outings there is a full programme of activities for both artists and people interested in looking at and learning about art. Annual membership is still only £10.
At the beginning of this year the Charlbury ArtRoom was opened in the Corner House to provide a shared creative space to make art and network with others for a very affordable membership fee. This summer Charlbury Arts organised the third Charlbury Festival with a full programme of music, drama, and literature as well as art.
Over half the members are not practicing artists but just enjoy being part of the art world and joining in the activities with other art lovers. People from outside Charlbury are very welcome with over a third of members living in the surrounding area.
If you would like to know more about Charlbury Arts or to join this lively, friendly, sociable group then please contact David Crosby
Tony Lloyd ·
Mon 26 Sep 2022, 19:32 · Link
The Bell - public meeting
A public meeting was held last Friday about the sale of The Bell.
Please go to the Town Council website to read the notes on the meeting:
Lisa Wilkinson ·
Mon 26 Sep 2022, 09:34 · Link
Street Fair Silent Auction Ending SOON
See details further down ‘News’ !!!
John Dora ·
Sat 24 Sep 2022, 16:23 · Link
Booster Vaccination Clinics at Charlbury Medical Centre
Covid and flu vaccination clinics will
take place on Tuesday 4 October and Thursday 6 October in the Football Sports and Social
Club as before.
Eligible patients will be contacted by
text to their mobile phone and for those without a mobile phone, by
letter. Please ensure the medical centre has your up to date mobile phone
number. Patients will be contacted from the beginning of this week.
Please do
not phone the medical centre unless asked to do so. Most of us will be
able to book an appointment by following the link in the text message.
We shall have to complete the
vaccination form as before. It is available to download on the new
Charlbury Medical Centre website. A banner running along the top of the first
page will take you to the right place. Don't worry if you can’t print out the
form, forms will be available on the day and from the medical centre.
Thank you for helping to make sure the
vaccination clinics run smoothly.
Charlbury Patient Participation Group.
susan smith ·
Sat 24 Sep 2022, 14:27 · Link
Overflowing waste bins
Sometimes, waste bins can overflow. This can happen if there is an event in the area or over a bank holiday weekend period. If this happens, residents can now report this on the WODC website and the link is below.
If you see a bin overflowing, please feel free to report it.
Lisa Wilkinson ·
Thu 22 Sep 2022, 15:18 · Link
Volunteers Needed to join the Covid Vaccination Car Park Team
With the Covid booster vaccination clinics resuming in early October, we need some additional volunteers to join the car park team. We’ll be at the Spendlove and Community Centre car parks trying to make the vax clinic sessions go as smoothly as possible for all concerned; those using the shops, the library and Community Centre, as well as those being vaccinated.
Dates will be confirmed shortly but if you can spend an hour or two and would like to know more, please message me through the web site.
Thank you in anticipation of your offer of help.
Brian Murray
Brian Murray ·
Wed 21 Sep 2022, 11:06 · Link
West Oxfordshire District Council cabinet meeting in Charlbury
The cabinet of West Oxfordshire District Council is holding its regular meetings in different towns and villages across the district over the next few months.
The first such meeting is this Wednesday (21st September) and will be in Charlbury, at the Community Centre. The meeting will start at 2pm.
You can view the agenda here:
Richard Fairhurst ·
Tue 20 Sep 2022, 22:55 · Link
The Bell - public meeting
Just a reminder that Gareth Epps is holding a meeting this Friday in the Memorial Hall to discuss the Bell as it is now up for sale.
7.30 in the Green Room at the Memorial Hall
Lisa Wilkinson ·
Tue 20 Sep 2022, 12:57 · Link
Charlbury Community Centre 5th Birthday
The Community Centre’s 5th Birthday Party has been rescheduled for the 30th September, 6-8pm! All are welcome and we hope to see you there! There will be music and the café will be open, selling BBQ food and drinks.
daniela jenkins ·
Tue 20 Sep 2022, 11:25 · Link
Street Fair Silent Auction
This year's silent auction deadline for (email) bids is 5pm on Saturday, 24th September when we will contact winners. As with last year, if you want to submit a bid electronically, please send an email with the lot number, your name, phone number and the amount to
This is the list of auction items
**** update ****
Apologies, but one item was missed out in the original posting :-
Lot 15 - 2 hour Photography lesson with Paddy Gallagher
One free
biomechanical screening and an hour long Pilate lesson
A pair
of Wilderness Tickets for 2023
One year
annual family pass for Blenheim Palace
Cuisine - A chilled meal for four people.
A private
tour for 6 people around Ditchley Park including tea
A one
day print workshop with lunch
signed and authenticated print from Mercedes F1 team (A3 size)
An hour
long private personal training session with Jason (Community Centre)
A family
Ticket for the Severn Valley Railway
Valley Railway
A Jody Reilly
print (linotype) of the Corner House with Rose and Crown
copy of “Charlbury Now and Then”
of House of Commons Wine
Courts MP
unfiltered Late Bottled Vintage Port (750ml)
David Cannell
die cast model vehicles in original boxes including a presentation set of
three Eddie Stobart Heavy Goods Vehicles
Steve Jones ·
Tue 20 Sep 2022, 08:56 · Link
CRAG - New Autumn/winter Concert Season.
We are delighted to announce the new CRAG concert series which begins with the Mozart Oboe Quartet on Sunday October 16th. The series consists of a wide variety of chamber-music recitals given by recognised international soloists. The (c60 minute-long) concerts take place in the memorial hall at 1500 hrs on Sunday afternoons and tea and delicious home-made cakes are included in the £15 ticket-price. A multi-concert season ticket is available at a reduced price of £60 for all five concerts. Please email: or call 811558 to book tickets.
Nick Parker ·
Sat 17 Sep 2022, 16:01 · Link
One week left to secure Early bird tickets
Tickets are selling well and there is now only 1 week left to secure a 20% discount on adult early bird tickets for the Oktoberfest. Don't worry if this is too early for you, tickets sales will remain open and will also be available on the gate, subject to availability
Find full details at
Paul D Jenkins ·
Sat 17 Sep 2022, 09:21 · Link
Kathy Comes Home
Broadcaster Kathy Clugston – who has said that when she comes to Charlbury it feels like she’s coming home – will make a return visit here on Saturday 8 October, when she presents Radio Four Wordsmen of the Apostrophe at Memorial Hall. Kathy opened Street Fair in 2017 and also appeared at this year’s Charlbury Festival in June, and full details of the October event will follow shortly – but a few advance tickets will be available at Street Fair between 2 and 5 pm on 17 September.
Edward Fenton ·
Fri 16 Sep 2022, 15:22 · Link
Friends of Charlbury Pre-School
We are delighted to introduce our new "Friends of Charlbury Pre-School” programme!
To support our exciting plans for development of the educational opportunities and facilities we offer to local families, we are reaching out to individuals and businesses who would like to offer financial and/or practical support to a much-loved local asset.
In addition to a small thank you gift, Friends will be invited to a variety of Pre-School activities throughout the year, such as open days and seasonal events. We see this as a real opportunity to nurture connections in our community. Your support will help us provide our next generation of Charlburians with a fabulous environment in which to thrive!
Please do get in touch via the Registration form below, or email us at
Thank you.
Registered Charity No: 273783
Jill Petersen ·
Fri 16 Sep 2022, 09:44 · Link
Station Garden
The Station garden has been looked after by a small team of volunteers for a number of years. It has been a difficult summer to garden but now we are ready to plant shrubs in the area around the bench on Platform 2. We would welcome donations towards the plants and have placed a donations box with the Cafe de La Gare. Please give generously so we can continue to make the Station the best welcome to Charlbury.
Georgie Slack ·
Fri 16 Sep 2022, 07:31 · Link
Street Fair Parking
Over the next day or so, there will be a number of activities happening for this Saturday's Street Fair, where car owners can be very helpful to us by avoiding parking in a some areas (all marked out with cones).
Fairground Vehicles at the Playing Close
From about 11 am on Friday 16th, fairground vehicles will be arriving at the Playing Close from the Enstone Road and then turning into Poole Lane. As these vehicles are long, they need a wide turning circle, and would be blocked from doing so if vehicles are parked in the between the Co-op and the junction to Poole Lane. The same applies to the first few parking spots along Poole lane before the opening to the Playing Close. The fairground vehicles will be leaving in the early evening of Saturday 17th. We'd be grateful if those parking spots could be clear for this period.
The Bell
Greene King have kindly given permission for the use of the grounds of the Bell for the Street Fair. If the forecourt of the Bell, and the frontage to the road could be cleared of parked vehicles on Friday we would be very grateful. The contractors will be erecting the main stage on the site on Friday and will be taking it away at 8:00 am on Monday morning.
The Street Fair will also be using the top part of the car park behind the Bell for the Scout's climbing wall, which is a welcome return after four years. If that area can be kept clear, we would be very grateful (the area has now been marked out with cones).
Church Street
There is also the usual Road Closure on Church Street from 6pm to 9pm on Friday 16th for the tradition egg throwing competition, and we'd be grateful if the Church Street from above the side entrance to the Bell was kept clear of parked vehicles.
The main Street Fair road closure is from 8:00 am 17th to 11:00 pm. We expect to start erecting stalls promptly from 8:00am onwards, and if Church Street could be clear of parked cars before that time we would be very grateful.
We do seek to minimise the inconvenience, but some of this is unavoidable and we are very grateful for everybody's help in making this a great community event.
Steve Jones, Secretary Charlbury Street Fair
Steve Jones ·
Thu 15 Sep 2022, 23:56 · Link
Oxford Station: Engineering Work Cancelled, 17 and 18 September
The engineering work due to close Oxford Station completely on Saturday 17 - Sunday 18 September has been cancelled. This is to enable people to travel by train to London pay their respects to the Queen.
The rail strikes due this weekend have also been cancelled.
The closure of Oxford Station will nevertheless take place, as planned, on:
Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 September
Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 October
During those two weekends, bus replacement services will be in place between Hanborough, Oxford and Didcot. In addition, Chiltern trains will be running trains to and from Oxford Parkway to Marylebone Station.
Christine Battersby ·
Thu 15 Sep 2022, 10:52 · Link
Bell car park - polite request
Charlbury Scouts are delighted to announce the return of the County climbing wall at the Street Fair this Saturday.
The trailer, wall and towing vehicle will need access to set up in the Bell car park from 9am on Saturday - if your vehicle is currently in the car park, please could you kindly arrange to locate it elsewhere from 8am to 6pm on the day. Thanks in advance for your co-operation, please contact me via the link below if you have any questions.
Cheryl Horsey ·
Tue 13 Sep 2022, 23:58 · Link
Primary School Art Exhibition
As part of the art competition for the Street Fair programme cover, an exhibition has been mounted in the Memorial Hall of all the children’s artwork. This years theme is ‘100 Years of the BBC’. Do go in and have a look at the paintings of our talented children from Reception to Year 6. Some have been starred ‘highly commended’. The winning entries are beautifully displayed in the window of Cotswold Frames. The Memorial Hall will be open during the Street Fair, when teas will be served.
Maureen Sparling ·
Tue 13 Sep 2022, 17:05 · Link
Make a 3D photo at Charlbury Street Fair
You can make a 3D photo of yourself as one of the activities at the Scintillating Science Corner at Charlbury Street Fair. To get ahead of the game, download this free App now. photo editor pro.

Elisabeth Partington ·
Tue 13 Sep 2022, 14:56 · Link
Time Change for Street Fair Walk & Talk
Please note that the Street Fair Walk & Talk on Sunday 18th September will now take place at 2pm meeting at the fountain on the Playing Close. The walk has been rescheduled from the published time of 10:30 to allow walkers to attend the Commemoration Service at 11am at St Mary's Church. Please see Events entry for more details.
Peter Kenrick ·
Mon 12 Sep 2022, 21:03 · Link
Completion of work at Enstone Road crossroad
The work at Enstone Road crossroad was delayed in August because of Wilderness, and was only partially completed. Work will re-commence on September 20th, there will be traffic lights but no road closures and there will be no overnight work.
Liz Leffman ·
Mon 12 Sep 2022, 12:47 · Link
Charlbury Street Fair - Saturday 17th September *UPDATE*
Street Fair will be taking place on Saturday, a decision for which the Fair's committee has deliberated upon and sought advice following the sad news of the death of Her Majesty last week. Not to proceed would have meant that the next Fair would be in 2023, owing to the lead times for arranging stalls, formal road closures and the like.
I have to announce that owing to the period of national mourning, the Lord-Lieutenant of Oxfordshire County, Mrs Marjorie Neasham Glasgow will be unable to open the Fair. At short notice, another prominent local figure, Liz Leffman, Leader of the County Council, has agreed to step in and help. I am sure Liz will be welcomed!
Another change is that the Spitfire fly-past has been cancelled, as the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight is not performing during the mourning period.
Prof. John Dora
Chair, Charlbury Street Fair Committee
John Dora ·
Mon 12 Sep 2022, 09:08 · Link
Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council
The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.
- Watermead Farm Spelsbury Road Charlbury
Discharge of condition 13 (lighting design strategy for biodiversity) of planning permission 19/02429/FUL
WODC reference: 22/02332/CND - Thu 01 Sep 2022 - Under consideration
- Oldner Lodge Charlbury Road
Demolition of existing single-storey dwelling and garage. Construction of new 1.5 storey dwelling together with associated landscaping works and provision of pedestrian access.
WODC reference: 22/02325/FUL - Wed 07 Sep 2022 - Under consideration
Mon 12 Sep 2022, 06:15 · Link
Charlbury Street Festival Volunteers
I am sure everybody is aware that the Charlbury Street Fair is being held on the 17th Saturday, and like all such community events, we are in need of volunteer assistance to run it on the day. Even if you can spare an hour, then that will help greatly. Besides general help, there are a few where we are specifically in need of volunteers.
Setting up stalls - 08:00 sharp on the morning of Saturday 17th. This will take an hour or so and provides a healthy workout. Gloves provided, as will be coffee/tea and bacon sandwiches.
Taking stalls down - 17:30 Saturday 17th. A bit less glamorous, but equally as important and just as good a workout. A bit of liquid refreshment might be forthcoming too...
For the above two, you can just turn up and make yourself known to somebody in a StreetFair t-shirt.
Tea and Cakes - Anna Cherry also has volunteer opportunities for helping with the tea and cakes in the Memorial hall. Text or WhatsApp her on 07817 046996. Even an hour would be of great assistance.
Steve Jones ·
Sun 11 Sep 2022, 17:19 · Link
CBF 2022 raises over £22k!
Thank you to everyone who came and supported Charlbury Beer Festival this year, whether as a visitor or volunteer. Over 2000 adults turned up despite threats of end-to-end rain and train strikes. It was fantastic to see so many of you enjoying yourself down on the cricket field.
I'm sure you will be pleased to hear that the profit for the event was over £22,000. Some of that total goes directly to the groups that run stalls at the event. However, the majority of it is distributed via our grants.
We are now open for grant applications. Our application window runs from today until 31st October. We will then meet and assess all the grants in November. Please get your applications in as soon as possible. This will give our grants officer, Gill, a chance to review your application in advance and recommend any changes that will strengthen your application. For more information on our grants, please visit our website.
Two final notes:
- Come visit our "human beer machine" at Charlbury Street Fair on Saturday 17th September.
- We can confirm that the next beer festival will be Saturday 24th June 2023. Get it in your diaries!
Cheers! Michael Peake, 2022 Chairperson
Michael Peake ·
Sat 10 Sep 2022, 11:35 · Link
Her Majesty The Queen (1926 - 2022)
We are profoundly saddened by the news of the death of our Queen which has come as a shock to us all. She has been a central figure in the life and work of our country for so long, it will take time for many of us to come to terms with her passing. However, our thoughts must be with the Royal Family and, in particular, with our new King and the Queen Consort in their understandable grief at this time.
The Queen reigned for longer than any other monarch in British history. Across the world, she was a much loved and highly respected figure recognised for her extraordinary sense of duty and commitment during a time of enormous change. She had a huge range of commitments and links. Here in Oxfordshire, she has been Visitor of Christ Church College, the Oxford Cathedral Church of Christ, University College, St Antony’s College and Oriel College, and Patron of the Henley Royal Regatta. She was also Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Engineers who have a significant presence in Oxfordshire at Bicester.
Her Majesty was keen to encourage and thank individuals, organisations, and businesses which promoted the British values of strong communities, innovative thinking, and enduring commitment to betterment. Her Majesty and members of her family have visited hundreds of groups here in Oxfordshire and have personally thanked thousands of individuals.
In recent years, The Queen’s interest in the environment was highlighted with her wish for a Queen’s Green Canopy of trees and hedges for all of Britain. Thousands of individuals and groups supported this initiative and planted hundreds of trees during the Platinum Jubilee year. In Oxfordshire this year, every new citizen was provided a tree, a programme we hope to continue for years in honour of our remarkable Queen Elizabeth II.
The Queen’s legacy of devotion to the country will be carried forward by her son, King Charles III. We offer him our support and commitment to continue the good work of the monarchy in building trust and strength across our communities.
The Oxfordshire Lieutenancy
daniela jenkins ·
Fri 9 Sep 2022, 12:12 · Link
Community Centre Party Cancelled
Given the sad news of the death of Her Majesty The Queen, the 5th Birthday Party for Charlbury Community Centre will not be going ahead tonight, 9th September. We will let you know of a new date in due course.
daniela jenkins ·
Fri 9 Sep 2022, 09:59 · Link
Queen Elizabeth II
St Mary's Church is open for public prayer and commemoration – a quiet area has been prepared and you are welcome to write in the book of commemoration and light a candle.
If you would like to bring flowers these can be left by the display or on the bank outside church.
Jo Paton ·
Fri 9 Sep 2022, 09:14 · Link
Death of Her Majesty the Queen
It has been announced by Buckingham Palace that Queen Elizabeth II has died. The Town Council and the people of Charlbury are deeply saddened to hear the news of the death of Queen Elizabeth.
A Book of Condolence will be opened at the Community Centre and will be accessible from Friday 9th September until 5pm on the day after the funeral for those who wish to pay their respects.
An e-Book of Condolence is also available at
Flowers can be left at the Fountain on the Playing Close by those who wish to pay their respects this way. (Please no cellophane).
Lisa Wilkinson ·
Fri 9 Sep 2022, 08:53 · Link
Charlbury Market - Coming Soon!
I am helping to facilitate a new weekly market highlighting produce in and around Charlbury for five weeks this Autumn.
The idea is to see if there is space for a regular event like this in our community and, if so, to get an idea from you what you'd like to see.
There will be produce from Me (Chloe Horner, Oxfork), Local eggs and vegetables from Church Lane Produce, additional vegetables from Styan (profits go to Charlbury's Cornerstone, weekly veg boxes and produce are available to collect), beautiful flowers from Wilder Flower Farm, meat (high welfare), flour and local sunflower oil from the Bruern Estate plus (hopefully) lots more.
The market will take place at The Community Centre on Saturday Mornings 9.30-12.30pm from 17th September until 15th October.
If you're interested in having a stall please drop me a line:
Whilst this intends to me mostly a food-based market we are very happy to host local makers and organisations during this initial period to get a feel of how a mix might work. All stalls will be charged at the Community Centres normal rates.
I will be selling Buns and Bread at the Community Centre this Saturday (10th September) along with flowers from Wilder Flower Farm if you'd like to come and find out more and grab a flyer or poster. Look forward to seeing you soon!
Chloe Horner ·
Thu 8 Sep 2022, 09:51 · Link
WODC Consultation to shape the Future of West Oxfordshire
West Oxfordshire District Council has launched a public consultation to hear you thoughts and help them to shape the future of West Oxfordshire. The consultation is open until 21st September and you can take part via this link
Why are they consulting?
Following the recent change in political administration, the District Council is updating both its Local Plan and Council Plan. They are seeking the views of local residents, organisations and businesses on the areas they should focus on within these plans. This early engagement will help to ensure that they address the most important and relevant issues for West Oxfordshire.
Peter Kenrick ·
Tue 6 Sep 2022, 17:16 · Link
Open Homes weekend
Escalating energy bills are a matter of real concern for us all. Charlbury Town Council will be holding an Open Homes weekend for buildings where energy saving measures have been introduced in order to help demonstrate the type of work that can be undertaken to improve your home and reduce your energy bills. Open Homes will be held on 15-16th October, we already have a number of homes signed up but are looking for more. If you have a home where you have been able to reduce your energy bills by insulating your home, double glazing or adding solar panels for example, and would like to participate please contact Lisa, our town clerk on
Tim Crisp ·
Tue 6 Sep 2022, 11:37 · Link
The Bell: Public Meeting
The public meeting, to help decide whether there is support to trigger the moratorium on sale of the Bell for a community bid, is being held in the Thomas Gifford Room at the community centre this Friday at 8pm. This is after the Community Centre's 5th birthday party.
Gareth Epps ·
Tue 6 Sep 2022, 08:10 · Link
Immediate Road Closure Alert.
Charlbury, 8 Market Street, OX7 3PN -
Road closure required to repair Lead Serv Pipe Relay Sz P Cway in Carriageway
Thames Water expected to finish on 07 September 2022.
We are waiting for the submission of the diversion route and will process asap through the normal channels once received.
Angel Collodel
Network Management
Oxfordshire County Council
Lisa Wilkinson ·
Mon 5 Sep 2022, 11:24 · Link
Market Street is closed for 3 days
Market Street is closed for 3 days minimum (Monday to Wednesday) while water pipe work is done on the Post Office. Thames Water should have alerted all residents but they haven’t (it isn’t the contractor’s fault).
As the recycling will not be collected tomorrow morning because the lorries won’t have access, there’s no point in putting the bins out in Market Street tonight.
Sue Way ·
Mon 5 Sep 2022, 10:09 · Link
It is time to book for the Christmas tree festival to be held in December! This is a wonderful way to showcase your club or organisation. Or just do something fun and creative with a group of friends or family.
Please put your thinking caps on and start making plans to sponsor and decorate a tree.
If you would like to be part of the festival this year, please fill in the booking form via the link, and send to Hilli Waller by November 15th.
As there will be no competition this year, the first 10 bookings will get the option of having their tree inside the church or outside on the path. So get booking!
Hilli Waller
Maureen Sparling ·
Mon 5 Sep 2022, 08:29 · Link
Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council
The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.
- Charlbury House Woodstock Road Charlbury
Demolition of existing dwellinghouse and erection of replacement dwelling with associated outbuildings and landscaping works. Conversion and extension of existing cottage to form pool house with ancillary shower/changing facilities. New stables and indoor riding arena. Repair and extension of field barn.
WODC reference: 22/02066/FUL - Fri 26 Aug 2022 - Under consideration
Mon 5 Sep 2022, 06:15 · Link
Train strikes and closures
No trains will run through Oxford Station on the following weekends:
Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 September
Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 September
Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 September
Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 October
Bus replacement services will be in place between Hanborough, Oxford and Didcot. Chiltern trains will, in principle be running to Oxford Parkway on those weekends. However, 4 further strike dates have been announced, including one affecting the weekend of Street Fair:
Thursday 15 September (RMT and ASLEF strikes). This will affect GWR & Chiltern plus many other train companies. Some disruption likely to continue on Friday 16 September.
Saturday 17 September (RMT strike). Likely to see a limited service on main lines, broadly about 20% of normal schedule between 7am and 7pm. After-effects will result in continued disruption on the morning of Sunday 18 September.
Monday 26th September (midday) - Tuesday 27th September (midday) (TSSA strike): GWR, Cross country and Network Rail amongst the organisations likely to be affected.
Christine Battersby ·
Fri 2 Sep 2022, 12:43 · Link
Greene King puts The Bell up for sale
The Town Council yesterday received a notice from West Oxfordshire District Council, dated 17 August, stating that:-
'....West Oxfordshire District Council gives notice that it received a notification form the owner of an intention to dispose of the above property which is listed by the District Council as an Asset of Community Value under the Localism Act 2011. Their interest is the freehold. The District Council invites any eligible community interest group to express an interest to be treated as a potential bidder by: 27th September 2022.
The purpose of the Asset of Community Value listing is to provide the opportunity to defer the sale process to allow the community to consider whether it wishes to submit an intention to bid for the Asset.'
This means that we need to establish if there is interest in a community bid for The Bell, in which case the Town Council can ask for a six-month moratorium for fundraising. A public meeting is being organised to discuss this.
For more on the background to the issues around pub closures and community pubs, the Protect Pubs website is a good place to look. The Plunkett Foundation - Britain's rural community business support experts - are conveniently based in Woodstock.
Gareth Epps ·
Thu 1 Sep 2022, 07:31 · Link