News index


Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

  • 2 Mount Pleasant Cottages Dancers Hill Charlbury
    Demolition of existing side extension. Construction of two storey side extension, single storey rear extension and a porch.
    WODC reference: 25/00356/HHD - Wed 12 Feb 2025 - Under consideration
  • Corn Close Cottage Charlbury Road Spelsbury
    Alterations to existing dwelling to include provision of Juliet balcony to bed 2 (West elevation), dormer window and Juliet balcony to bed 1 (South elevation), single storey extension to lounge and formation of balcony above to serve bed 3 (South elevation) and two storey extension to create double garage with bedroom above (North elevation).
    WODC reference: 25/00320/HHD - Thu 13 Feb 2025 - Under consideration
  • 7 Kearsey Court Charlbury
    Erection of a detached garden studio and a garden shed
    WODC reference: 25/00215/HHD - Tue 11 Feb 2025 - Under consideration

Mon 17 Feb, 06:15 · Link

Charlbury parking scheme - Permits and lining works

The Town Council has today heard from Oxfordshire County Council as follows:

Further to a public consultation exercise that took place in October/November last year, a scheme has been approved by our Cabinet Member for Highways Management for implementation, that will see the introduction of new dual purpose 3 hour / permit holder bays, dual purpose 1 hour / permit holder bays, permit holder only bays, permit holder only area, 30 minute parking bays and sections of double yellow lines in the centre of Charlbury.

We aim to bring the new changes into effect from 17th March 2025 onwards and details of the approved scheme and consultation can be viewed on-line by visiting (item 196/24):

A number of new signs will also be needed to inform the public of the rules around where they can park. Where possible existing posts or walls (subject to agreement) will be used to keep street clutter to a minimum. These signs will be installed in advance of the scheme's implementation and will remain covered with sign masking spray until March 17th.

OCC is sending out letters today to eligible residents to inform them about the permit application process. Additionally, it will be sending a letter to all businesses and residents with frontages on the affected roads, requesting that they avoid parking in specific areas on designated days. These roads will be restricted to facilitate the works, supported by a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO).

Lisa Wilkinson · Fri 14 Feb, 16:26 · Link

Tickets on sale for the Annual Street Fair Quiz

Tickets for the annual Charlbury Street Fair Quiz are now on sale scheduled for the 15th March. We are delighted to say that the food is again being provided by Amarilo Bistro, which proved to be exceptionally well received last year. As always, there will be a licensed bar.

It is always nice to see a full hall for the event, and all proceeds go towards the Corner House and War Memorial Hall. So, now is the time to organise your team (up to 6 per table) for what is always a fun night.

Steve Jones · Tue 11 Feb, 11:58 · Link

Latest planning applications to West Oxfordshire District Council

The following planning applications have recently been lodged. Click on the address to see full details at the WODC website.

Mon 10 Feb, 06:15 · Link

Charlbury Chronicle

The Chronicle needs you. We require a couple more volunteers to help deliver the Chronicle. The magazines will be delivered to your home ready for you to deliver. An average round takes about an hour, 4 times a year. Please contact Maureen Walker by email Many thanks.

Sun 9 Feb, 14:35 · Link

Breast Cancer Screening Unit in Charlbury

All women aged 50 and over are encouraged to have a mammogram every three years. Women who are patients of Charlbury Medical Centre are invited to come to the mobile screening unit parked outside the medical centre.

It is important to know that women who are aged over 70 are also very welcome to book an appointment, screening does not stop after your 70th birthday. If you have not had a mammogram in the last three years and would like to book an appointment, please ring 01865 235 621 where they will be pleased to help you.

The mammogram will be taken by qualified, female radiographers. It will take around half an hour.

The objective of the mammogram is to detect breast cancer in its early stage and thereby reduce the number of deaths from breast cancer.

To book an appointment:

Telephone: Tel: 01865 235 621


Charlbury Patient Participation Group · Fri 7 Feb, 13:23 · Link

Room in the Ark!

There is still room for more animals in Noah's Ark! Come a take part in what will be an unforgettable experience: a huge production involving professional singers and musicians, 40 instrumentalists and a cast of 60 children. We have a whole range of animal masks and an amazing set. This is an opportunity not to be missed!! If you have a child aged 8 or above who would like to join in contact 07788 174785 Registration by 28th February is essential!

Isabel Knowland · Wed 5 Feb, 08:55 · Link

Trouble at the Memorial Hall (part 2)

Excavations for the new drain have thrown up additional issues which were not really expected. We find that rainwater drainage from the gutters has been feeding into the foul waste pipes, which is not in accordance with current regulations or desirability. The drains have been partly blocked by leaves that have fallen on the roof and transferred to the waste pipe. That cannot be allowed to continue so new pipework and a soakaway has to be installed.

Clean water to the building was lost when the main feed was accidentally broken but that supply is now restored. Although the break in the pipe has been repaired, the trustees now have to decide whether to use the opportunity of workmen on site and holes dug to replace the whole length of water pipe that runs from the Corner House into the Memorial Hall. It is working for now but is in poor condition and will not last indefinitely. Replacing the pipe with a more permanent clean pipe is likely to cost about £6,000. Should we put that right now or wait until the pipe fractures at an unknown date in the future? Decisions, decisions. And cost!

Roy Scott · Sat 1 Feb, 17:49 · Link

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