New fresh veg box collection every Saturday afternoon
Normally Styans come to Charlbury Farmers Market every 3 months, but now we are lucky they are making up veg boxes for collection in Charlbury every Saturday afternoon from outside the Community Centre. Bring your own bag to transfer produce from the box AND keep your social distance at all times.
Order your box from StyanFamilyProduce.co.uk by 10pm previous Thursday and pay online.
Check your email on Sat morning for your collection timeslot in the afternoon. To enable the safe collection of the pre-ordered veg boxes, there are 10 minute interval collection timeslots to 6 different collection points alongside the Community Centre organised by surname. Notifications are sent out on Saturday morning by email to everyone who has ordered a box.
To reduce contacts maybe arrange to collect for friends and neighbours. if you are doing this please email info@charlburygreenhub.org.uk and provide details so we can group your boxes together in the shade of the big tree by the entrance to the community centre for collection any time 2-3pm rather than have a specific timeslot.
House-bound and need your box delivered? Call the Community Centre on 01608 811878 or if engaged try 01608 819253 (weekdays only) or email your request to info@charlburycommunitycentre.org.uk. These boxes will also be under the shade of the tree and can be collected any time 2-3pm rather than a specific timeslot.
Boxes are Large or Small or Small Without Potatoes and there are optional extras like asparagus, beetroot, Jerusalem artichokes, pink fir apple potatoes, honey, and Worcestershire tomatoes grown using heat from a biomass boiler.
Please check the Events link for more detail
Organised by Charlbury Green Hub in conjunction with Janet Burroughs from Charlbury Farmers Market, Nikki Rycroft from Patients Participation Group, and Tanya Stevenson from the Community Centre.
Christine Elliott · Mon 30 Mar 2020, 05:23 · Link