Tips for sorting your black recycling boxes
WODC's policy of kerbside sorting by hand means that the quality of the recyclates is higher and worth more when sold on for recycling in the UK. The contractors, May Gurney, have a dedicated collection team of about 30 operators and who are working towards just 40 seconds to empty the black boxes per household - currently it is taking over 2 minutes per household. It would help considerably if people could sort their recycling in a way that makes it convenient for the layout of the "stillages" on the collection vehicles.
There are two operator positions on each side of the vehicle, from the first there is easy access for textiles, shoes, paper, clear glass and green glass. From the second there is access for plastics/cans, Tetra Paks and cardboard, also batteries. If you could sort your boxes like this then collection would be a lot quicker and the traffic jams a lot shorter. There is no need to separate things into different plastic bags because it takes more time to empty them. The food waste goes into a special section at the back of the vehicle.
The top of the lorry has two compartments into which plastics/cans and cardboard get transferred to clear space in the lower sections. When any of the sections on the vehicle becomes full it has to return to Witney for emptying, so it is really important to squash plastic bottles and cans and to break up cardboard boxes into smaller more manageable pieces that fit in your black box.
If you would like more recycling boxes please phone 01993 861025.
Christine Elliott · Wed 6 Apr 2011, 14:13 · Link