Auditions for Noye's Fludde
In order to include as many people as possible we are holding another audition for Charlbury's community show, Noye's Fludde, on Sunday 2nd February 2-4pm in the Corner House. The first auditions were really good but we still need more solo singers and 2 young dancers to be part of this amazing production. A special call out for women who would like to be Mrs Noye's drunken Gossips (acting ability more important than singing!) We have a team of mask makers making beautiful headdresses for the animal chorus, and a team of set builders making the Ark and all the props. There are ten professional musicians lined up and 30 amateurs, including strings, recorders, bugles and handbell ringers. It's going to be fantastic! If you would like to be involved, either singing, dancing or making, please contact isabelknowland@gmail.com
Isabel Knowland · Tue 21 Jan, 13:16 · Link