Nature Day
Nature Recovery in Charlbury, Fawler & Finstock: a Public Consultation
Wigwell Nature Reserve Charlbury
11am – 4pm: 15th June 2024
We are losing our wildlife and suffering from the impacts of climate breakdown. Although this is a global problem there is a lot that we can all do locally, and we are keen to encourage this. So, the Land & Nature Group is putting together a plan for nature recovery across the three parishes of Charlbury, Fawler & Finstock and we want YOU to be involved and to share your ideas with us.
To get the public engagement and consultation going we are holding a Nature Day event, free and open to all, at the Wigwell Nature Reserve in Charlbury. We would love to see you there to find out more, tell us what you think and have a go too! Learn about things YOU can do including citizen science monitoring of species or water quality, volunteering on nature reserves or making your own garden more wildlife friendly. Please come along, bring the family and tell your friends. All ages welcome.
There will be:
Guided walks
Events for children: crafts, wildlife surveys
The School Choir with Evenlode Voices
Further information or to contribute, please contact either geoffgriffiths@landscape-matters.org or Lisa Wilkinson (Parish Clerk) (clerk@charlbury-tc.gov.uk).
An initiative of Charlbury Town Council in collaboration with Wychwood Forest Trust.
Lisa Wilkinson · Tue 30 Apr 2024, 14:22 · Link