CRAG (Charlbury Refugee Action Group) is collecting for Calais again until 29th January
Most needed items are:
- Tents
- Men’s and boys’ coats (especially small and medium sizes)
- Sleeping bags and blankets
- Jogging bottoms or jeans, size 26-34 waist (joggers with cuff bottoms if possible)
- New boxer shorts (esp small and medium, tight fit if possible) Socks, hats and gloves
- Hoodies and jumpers
- Trainers
- Unlocked mobile phones with chargers (note – unlocking essential please)
- Powerbanks
- Tarpaulins
- Rain ponchos
- Backpacks
If you can help please follow the instructions on our website. THANK YOU!
Vicky Buser · Sun 14 Jan 2024, 17:48 · Link