NeighbourWoof Watch have you joined yet ?
After seeing that 4 1/2 month old Dachshund called "Milo" was stolen from a locked the car in Chipping Norton the other day, it got me thinking that there were far too many dog thefts going on and they were getting more and more local which is becoming very alarming, so I decided to set up a Facebook group called "NeighbourWoof Watch" on Saturday afternoon and barely 6 days after setting this up we currently have 6500 members from all over the country and the numbers are still growing, the group allows any members to post lost or stolen dog information that they come across online to help raise awareness and hopefully make any stolen dog "Too hot to handle" so please do take the time to take a look and feel free to join and help spread the word yes there are lots of other similar groups out there but in this case the more the merrier.
Tim Widdows · Wed 10 Mar 2021, 16:19 · Link