Charlbury Street Fair 2021 - a date for your diary - September 18th
Street Fair Update
Charlbury Street Fair 2021 - a date for your diary - September 18th
How will 2021 continue to unfold? What with the COVID-19 vaccine programme and warmer weather, we have hope and can see the light at the end of the tunnel. September 18th is the date for our postponed 2020 Street Fair and arrangements are already being made for the Fair. 2020 was the first year with no Street Fair since its recent inception in 1954, so we intend to make this year’s event one to remember. As I said in 2020, I do like the maxim, “Better to ‘Plan for the Best, be Ready for the Worst”, so we on the Street Fair Committee are already lining things up.
We intend having another ‘Scarecrow Competition’ in the run-up to the Fair - but will have to rethink our ‘March Quiz Nite’ and ‘Open Gardens’ which will not be happening at least to the best of my current knowledge.
What with the ‘lockdown’ in place as I write this, we did not start our planning in January as scheduled, and will get this under way this month. If you would like to help, please do get in touch and watch out for information on this on social media and on posters around the town. We would ideally like someone, for example, to help with publicity, as this is a key ‘vacancy’. If you'd like to know more, or to volunteer in any capacity, even just for a couple of hours on the Fair day, contact me at csfchairman@charlburystreetfair.org. We are having a Zoom committee meeting on the evening of 11th March.
Above all, do please set 18th September in your diary as the Street Fair day.
Prof. John Dora
Chair, Charlbury Street Fair Committee