The Deli's first tentative step to reopening its cafe
After discussions with West Oxfordshire District Council, the Deli will start a trial with limited seating - outdoors only - from this morning, June 3.
It won't be the town's daytime meeting hotspot it was before. Initially, there'll be a few socially-distanced tables in our walled garden and along Market St, a very limited coffee/tea and snacks menu, and disposable cups, plates and crockery only. Please don't bring recyclable cups yet, because we can't fill them.
We'll still offer our phone ordering, home deliveries by our staff or in cooperation with the Community Centre, on-account payment facilities and prebooked personal shopping slots after other customers have gone home.
And we still plan to re-open the cafe indoors under social distancing on Saturday July 4.
In the meantime, visiting our walled garden gives you the chance to see Briony Lawson's sculptures there. They've been waiting for visitors since Lockdown. And our one-way system takes you past her drawings of Charlbury and her native North Devon that have been on sale in our cosy room but haven't had any visitors since we had to close it.
As lockdown loosens, we're likely to be tweaking our policies a lot to stay safe, obey the rules, and give the town the best social hub - and the best coffee, milk, bread and fresh fruit&veg - in the Cotswolds.
To stay in touch with those changes, make sure you get our newsletter. Register at our website Or mail us
Michael Flanagan · Wed 3 Jun 2020, 07:21 · Link