Charlbury Speakeasy November show supports CRAG.
The forthcoming Charlbury Speakeasy show on 22nd November is in support of Charlbury Refugee Action Group. Through a local connection, the London-based musicians asked for their fee to be donated to CRAG and the Speakeasy organisers, though not connected to the charity, are delighted to agree. (Speakeasy regulars will know that apart from direct costs the non-profit Speakeasy gives all ticket income to the professional performers.)
The band Plum Busby are regulars on the London club and pub circuit. Their music is an eclectic mix descibed in one recent London review as:
"...an original mixture of humour and sauce in the direction of Weimar cabaret or gutsy Weil: Blitz music-hall, Harlem Jazz, lonesome Bluegrass, Las Vegas glitz, and then something else on top."
With the music complimented by stories from veteran BBC and Reuters journalist Kieran Cooke this sounds like a show not to miss.
The Speakeasy, a social enterprise supporting the Shed as a perfomance venue for Charlbury, has been running since 2014. It has brought an imaginative mix of musical styles to the Shed, setting the music alongside spoken word performances from local writers, journalists, poets and comedians. The organisers say that whatever the genre, their priority is to present excellent musicianship in a relaxed conversational setting.
The Speakeasy is on Friday 22nd November at The Shed, Charlbury. Details at www.charlbury.info/community/83
Simon Fenn · Thu 31 Oct 2019, 12:24 · Link