Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Launch
A draft Charlbury Neighbourhood Plan 2031 has now been published and we are launching the formal pre-submission consultation TODAY (Wednesday 18th September 2019). This is YOUR chance to have your say to influence the final version of this plan which will have an important impact on the future of the town and community of Charlbury for a generation.
All responses must be received by Thursday 31st October 2019.
You can view and download the draft plan plus supporting documents at www.charlburynp.org.uk . A response form will also be available there very soon.
A few paper copies of the plan and supporting documents are also available to view in the Charlbury Library but please don't take them away. If you can't get to the library or view the Plan online, please contact Roger Clarke (Town Clerk - 810608 during office hours) or me (Peter Kenrick - 811021).
We will also have a display at Street Fair on Saturday afternoon when you will be able to meet the team, ask questions and tell us what you think! Please come along.
Please take time to read the draft plan and get involved with the consultation - it's YOUR plan too!
Peter Kenrick · Wed 18 Sep 2019, 11:09 · Link