Charlbury Refugee Action Group urgent appeal
Charlbury Refugee Action Group (CRAG) has received an urgent appeal from the people who distribute clothing and food to refugees arriving on the Greek island of Lesvos. This is our biggest collection to date.
611 people arrived on the Greek islands by boat in the last week alone.
Statistics for October show that 114 boats arrived on the islands in total, half of them on Lesvos, with 19,601 people 'stuck' and awaiting transfer to the mainland.
Minors account for anything up to half the occupants of each boat.
Total arrivals so far in 2018 are up 17.4% on last year. Most people arrive with no more than the clothes they stand up, often soaked in salty water.
This is where we come in with CRAG's biggest collection appeal so far.
Attika Human Support is an NGO on Lesvos that provides up to 6,000 people a month with clothing, bedding and hygiene products. Help Refugees have checked them out, and here at CRAG we are contributing to a container of aid Help Refugees are shipping out there later this month.
Here's the list of what we are collecting.
Adult clothing
Joggers, jeans, t-shirts, jumpers, coats
Kids clothing
Joggers, jeans, t-shirts
Adults and kids
Socks, hats, gloves, scarves
Trainers and boots (sizes 35-45)
No wellies, please
Personal hygiene
Toothbrushes, shower gel, soap, shampoo, conditioner, men's shaving cream, sanitary towels, baby wipes, loo paper
Food (in TINS, ring pull only please)
Tomatoes, chickpeas, beans (not baked beans). Please be aware that multiple packs of one tin are better than an assortment
• Please don't bring anything not on this list
• Bag or box your donations with clear labelling
• Please don't include clothes that are not in a condition you would wear yourself
Simply email charlburyrefugee@gmail.com for delivery and collection arrangements. We are very happy to collect from you. Alternatively, please bring any of the above items to the Quaker Meeting House in Market Street on Friday 16 between 6 and 8pm, or Saturday 17 between 9.30 and 12noon.
Thank you from Charlbury Refugee Action Group
Jon Carpenter · Wed 7 Nov 2018, 13:20 · Link