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Now it's Charlbury's own quinces

2018 is looking like the best year this century for quinces. And the Deli's delivering us a bumper harvest of them.

They can't be eaten raw, but they bring a wonderful smell into your kitchen as you cook them. Nigel Slater's got some equally wonderful recipes, and a few minutes on Google will produce thousands more. (

Quinces roast by themselves make a terrific sweet combined with maple syrup or ice cream - but they can transform many stews, and turned into membrillo go very nicely with sheep's cheese

One tip: they can be a nightmare to peel - but for most recipes, you can boil or roast them unpeeled, then peel them easily once they're cooked.

Hurry though. Once this autumn's harvest's gone, it's gone. Like the wonderful vacherin the Deli's selling this autumn: you can't really get quinces out of season.

Michael Flanagan · Wed 24 Oct 2018, 08:53 · Link

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