Charlbury Character Assessment - preserving the town’s character and history
A team of local volunteers has assessed every street and open space within Charlbury and its surrounding countryside, to record the character and features of the parish. This work was drawn together by a heritage expert to create a draft Character Assessment of Charlbury.
The report will inform the Charlbury Neighbourhood Plan, which will include a section on the protection and conservation of Charlbury's fine heritage of buildings and landscapes, along with policies to conserve and enhance Charlbury's character and appearance.
It will also be used by the Town Council and the Charlbury Conservation Area Advisory Committee when responding to planning applications.
We would like to give everyone living in Charlbury an opportunity to comment on the Character Assessment report before it is finalised, so that we can be sure it has captured everything about the historic character of the town and its surrounding landscape that is important to local people.
You can see the report online at www.charlburyneighbourhoodforum.org.uk
Printed copies are available in the library, the Corner House and the Deli. (Please note that only the library has the full version with assessments of every street, this is due to the size of the document).
You can respond by email to charassescharl@gmail.com or by completing a form in the library and dropping it into the postbox next to the Reference and Local Studies shelf.
Please send us your comments by the end of May.
Neighbourhood Plan · Fri 4 May 2018, 14:35 · Link