CRAG's most successful season yet!
We've helped some desperate people, thanks to you!
Since last September, Charlbury Refugee Action Group has raised £12,500. Here's how you helped raise the money between us, and where it has gone.
Over £7000 came from the Tea Concerts. The Christmas Art Café brought in £575, the Bring and Buy £920, Churches Together in Together raised £150, Charlbury Quakers donated £163, and personal donations totalled £1114. And we've just added £475 from the SE Asian supper evening organised by Gene Teo Cooke.
Our online donation page enables supporters to make their own donations straight to Help Refugees, with the added advantage that you can add Gift Aid. Individual donations on that page since September 1st have totalled £3175, to which people have added £180 in Gift Aid.
So far we have sent £7071 of what we have raised to the charity Help Refugees (who support dozens of voluntary relief programmes across Europe, but especially in Greece and in the Calais and Paris regions of France) and a further £3800 to the charity Refugee Community Kitchen who provide hot meals for well over a thousand refugees daily sleeping rough in the Calais area and (appallingly) on the streets of Paris.
Thank you so much to all of you who have helped.
Now please keep in touch. It costs you nothing!
Like all other organisations, however small, Charlbury Refugee Action Group has to conform to new regulations governing the information we hold on members and supporters, and how and if we may contact you. We have emailed all members already with a link that enables you to sign up afresh, and the form explains exactly what we shall do with the data we hold and how you can see it and correct it for yourself.
But perhaps you haven't seen it? Whether you are an existing member re-joining, or a newcomer to CRAG, here's where you go: www.eepurl.com/dstDGT
Everything is explained on the form, including how you can unsubscribe any time you want.
Welcome aboard!
(You can also follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/charlburyrefugee/)
Jon Carpenter · Tue 1 May 2018, 11:10 · Link