Bring & Take Postponed until 21 April
Due to the forecast weather conditions for Saturday we have
decided to POSTPONE the Bring & Take and to re-schedule for Saturday 21 April.
If you have paint or DIY stuff to give away then email a photo to DIYspares@charlburygreenhub.org.uk. If you WANT some paint then have a look at our new DIYspares webpage.
Join OLIO The Food Sharing Revolution
Food in your cupboard you're not going to use? Upload a photo to OLIO to find someone else locally who would love to use it. Article in Charlbury Chronicle March 2018. OLIO is available as a phone app, but can NOW BE USED ON THE WEB to upload a new listing as well a view items available locally.
Christine Elliott · Thu 1 Mar 2018, 14:42 · Link