Tour of Britain - could you be a marshal?
Not for the professional bike race - that's in the hands of the race organisers and police! - but for Charlbury's own kids' ride, "Ride the Tour", following afterwards.
After the race passes through, the kids of Charlbury and further afield will be riding a figure-of-eight around the town centre, using some of the roads that the world's fastest cyclists have just ridden down.
We need volunteer marshals to help guide the young riders safely around the corners. The circuit will be taking in Church Street, Market Street, Dyers Hill, Church Lane, Church Street again, Sheep Street, Fishers Lane and Pooles Lane, finishing on the Playing Close, and we would like to have a marshal at each junction.
The ride will (of course) not start until well after the race has passed through the town, so you won't miss the excitement, and there'll be a quick pre-ride briefing.
If you can help, please drop Brigitte and Kath a line at admin@windrushbikeproject.uk . The ride is being organised by the Windrush Bike Project and the Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust.
Richard Fairhurst · Thu 31 Aug 2017, 21:22 · Link