Town Survey Follow-Up
The results of the Charlbury Neighbourhood Forum's Town Survey last year are now available to view on the CNF's website: www.charlburyneighbourhoodforum.org.uk.
If you are planning to come along to the meeting on Thursday, 16th to launch the Follow-Up Groups of volunteers who are keen to explore action that the community needs to take (with outside help, if necessary) in response to the views expressed in the survey, do first have a look at the Survey results.
Details of the focus and role of the Follow-Up Groups are available by contacting info@charlburyneighbourhoodforum.org.uk or phoning 810192.
Information about the Launch Meeting on Thursday can be found in the Events section of this website.
The Community Action Plan Group of CNF look forward to welcoming as many interested local residents as possible to lend a hand with exploring solutions and improvements that would benefit them and others in the town.
Meryl Smith · Sun 12 Mar 2017, 10:02 · Link