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Charlbury Neighbourhood Forum - results from the Survey

I am sure that many people are wondering what is now happening so I am posting this update
The survey went very well but this does mean that there is a lot of data. It has now been input and is being analysed. Both of these were carried out externally to ensure there was no bias but this is taking some time. Currently we expect to have the analysis in 3-4 weeks time when it will be examined and then presented to the public at a meeting and copies of the results will be available.
In the meantime the findings of the survey will be used to produce two plans alongside each other - A Community Led Action Plan and a Neighbourhood Development Plan. Committee have been set up for both of these and are holding meetings and we will keep you all updated on progress
The reason for producing two plans is that serve different purposes as described below
A Community Led Action Plan reflects the local vision of how residents would like to see the area change and improve in coming years to meet local wishes and needs. Community-led Action Plans can be much broader than Neighbourhood Development Plans, covering more than just land use planning issues.
This Plan focuses on action that the community needs to take (with outside help, if necessary), in response to the views expressed in the town survey.
A Neighbourhood Development Plan is is a way of helping local communities to influence the land use planning of the area in which they live and work
It is a more formal plan prepared with the Town Council and District Council used to:
Develop a shared vision Charlbury.
Choose where new homes, shops, offices and other development should be built.
Consider infrastructure required to support new developments and specify contributions required from developers.
Identify and protect important local green spaces.
Influence what new buildings should look like.
Each of the notice boards at the Coop will be used to give ongoing information on each plan

Tony H Merry · Mon 12 Sep 2016, 15:44 · Link

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