Charlbury fire-fighter to row the Pacific
One of Charlbury's fire-fighters is planning to row the Pacific Ocean for charity.
Darren Taylor hopes to take part in the inaugrual New Ocean Wave Great Pacific Race, this June. He will be raising money for the Cure Parkinson's Trust and the Fire Fighters Charity. As he explains:
"We are due to leave from Monterey Bay, California in June 2014; covering well over 2,100 nautical miles across the Pacific Ocean to the finish line in Honolulu, Hawaii. Using rugged purpose-built ocean rowing boats, governed by a set of event rules and a mandatory equipment list to ensure a safe and level playing field, teams will compete for the highest accolade - to be the first to reach the finish line in the quickest possible time. Whatever mother nature decides to test us with, we will have to endure, as although we will receive daily weather forecasts,we will not have the capability to avoid weather systems, we will have to deal with whatever lay ahead."
You can find out more about the challenge at pacificrow2014.co.uk.
Wed 29 Jan 2014, 09:27 · Link