Your starter for ten.... (Debate)

Rod Evans
👍 16

Thu 9 Mar 2023, 20:24 (last edited on Fri 10 Mar 2023, 18:04)

Name a government which detains people anonymously without regard to their personal circumstances, with no recourse to any form of legal redress and then deports them to another country against their will and with which they have no previous connection?

 A.   Putin’s Russia? Correct (just ask Ukraine).

 Your bonus questions:

1.     Which country’s government now wants to enact a law that will allow them to do just that – and admits it’s likely to be in breach of an international convention?

A.   The UK’s?  Correct.

2.     Did Gary Lineker compare this to the Holocaust?

          A.  No.   Correct.   What he actually said was: “This is just an immeasurably cruel policy directed at the most vulnerable people in language that is not dissimilar to that used by Germany in the 30s."  Correct.  Oh sorry, we did that already.

 3. Are we about to be invaded by the 100 million people allegedly entitled to come here?

          A. Don’t be silly….  Correct.  But that’s what the Home Secretary said, ‘they’re coming here’.

 Another starter question:

Who is the most deluded, Cruella Braverman, Nadine Dorries, Liz Truss, Boris Johnson etc etc???? 

Too many to choose from there so:

When are the ‘One Nation’ Tories going to denounce this oppressive, authoritarian policy that runs so contrary to the British notions of freedom, justice and fairness that my parents’ generation fought so hard to uphold?  (Well, that’s what they told us at school…)

 And why am I an increasingly ‘angry old man’? (Don’t even try to answer that!)

                                                    "Democracy dies by a thousand cuts"

PS Amnesty International are mounting a campaign against the Bill and have an 'oven- ready' email to send to your MP - or just write to him anyway.  We'll no doubt be ignored when it comes to voting on the Bill but that's not a reason not to do it!  Link here:

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