Cancer Scanning in Oxfordshire

Hannen Beith
👍 1

Thu 28 Mar 2019, 09:36 (last edited on Thu 28 Mar 2019, 09:37)

"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty; power is ever stealing from the many to the few."

Good news indeed, but I suspect that the battle for the NHS is by no means over.

Last year I was referred by my GP for a 24 hour cardiac wiring up thingy.  It turned out that the wiring was done in Bicester in a shop unit, by an outfit called In Health.  Very confusing as I had assumed that (along with 3 or 4 others) that it would be at the Bicester Health Centre (NHS).  No - this is a private outfit, just near Sainsbury's.

Anyway the staff seemed very competent and once I had parked in the Sainsbury's car park (free!) and telephoned the In Health people to pinpoint their exact location (next to Sports Direct), armed with my Smartphone navigation app I was able to find it without too much trouble, although I did have to ask a passer by where Sports Direct was.

None of this, incidentally, very good for someone with a suspected heart condition!

I only had to wait a couple of minutes (mind you I was late due to the shenanigans) and then a very pleasant woman laced me up like a suicide bomber, (or so I imagine).  She asked me to return the equipment after 24 hours "whenever was convenient" for me.  So, I foolishly opted for the Sunday assuming that traffic would be light, which it wasn't.

I had all the wires and monitor in a plastic bag and returned to the shop unit only to find it was completely deserted.  I tentatively peeked into some of the treatment rooms.  Nobody.  The reception desk was not manned (or should I say "womanned") but the PC was on and there were records lying about.  So much for Data Protection.  

There was a scrap of paper on the desk which I confess I read.  A handwritten note, saying to the effect: "I came here this morning to return your equipment, but as there was no-one here I left after an hour and returned to Banbury.  Please call my mobile (number) to let me know when someone will be around so that I can deliver it."

Not very cheering, but I thought I'd hang about for half an hour and then follow suit.  After about 10 minutes a member of staff (I assume) came in.  She was very polite and pleasant.  I showed her the note.  Gave her the kit, and left.

About a week later I received the report from my JR Consultant Cardiologist, so clearly there is communication between In Health and the NHS.

I then made online enquiries at Companies House and discovered that In Health is a private Ltd Company.  It's Directors are Directors of all sorts of other companies .

Surely this is privatisation by stealth, and if you believe in a Nationally  owned NHS, be vigilant!

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