Charlbury Station parking charges

Christine Battersby

Thu 18 Aug 2016, 10:19 (last edited on Thu 18 Aug 2016, 10:46)

Shona, it looks as if there have also been other cases at Charlbury station, at least supposing that you are not the person referenced at

This is dreadfully unfair for a variety of reasons: poor signage, no temporary parking bays for those picking up people with impaired mobility or the elderly, especially as there is now no other public transport to the station. Even walking across the ramps of bridge with luggage could take somebody who is elderly or mobility impaired nearly 15 minutes. I could carry on ...

I think the council should be interested in this as a policy since it will increase the likelihood of cars lurking near the station, waiting for the train to come in. It also makes it even harder -- already very difficult! -- to get a taxi firm to pick up or deliver to Charlbury station.

I wouldn't mind so much if one could pay (say) for an hour; but to have to pay for a whole day reduces the likelihood of neighbourly cooperation. It is also likely to increase the traffic heading to Oxford Parkway where the first hour of waiting is free (and where return train fares to and from London are also cheaper!).

The consensus online seems to be that the person receiving the notification of a parking fine should not pay, and nor should they identify themselves as the driver (as opposed to the keeper) of the vehicle. They should appeal to Apcoa, citing any appropriate grounds for appeal. If (or more usually when) Apcoa does not withdraw the notice, they should go to the independent Parking on Private Land Appeals (Popla). If that also goes against them, wait for Apcoa to take you to the smalls claim court. Apcoa rarely do and even more rarely win.

There's a whole forum about this. See here:

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