European interference or a Timely intervention?

Igor Goldkind

Thu 12 Apr 2007, 09:01

  • sigh*
    Once again I find myself going over the same old ground in Charlbury on the immigrant/illegal immigrant/asylum-seeker/political refugee issue as if time had virtually come to a stop ten miles north of Oxford.

Once again, I have to remind those with their fingers in their ears that immigrants aren't the same as asylum seekers, while the vast majority of immigrants are perfectly legal and deserve more than the pressumption that just because they weren't born here, are probably not.

That's prejudice, plain and simple: when you pre-judge before knowing the facts about someone.

There's also my usual reminder that being born in Britain makes you British regardless of where your parents or grandparents come from or whether or not you're a Caucasion Christian who follows the cricket.

And as far as lazy, freeloading, tax-dodging b*****ds are concerned , I can think of a few off shore multi-millionaires who claim British nationality while not living here just long enough to avoid paying tax. I wondered if you counted up all the tax dodged dosh we're owed, how that would stack up against the sum total of actual benefit fraud.

And how lazy is that compared to the Sikh doctors, Angolan cleaners, Polish plumbers, Pakistani cab drivers, Hungarian temps (etc. etc., working their poverbials off and paying taxes just to make ends meet?

No prizes for guessing who makes the greater contribution to this country.

Come to mention it, aren't there are few stalwarts of the British aristcracy who don't appear to have any discernible means of income and yet pay no tax either? Talk about freeloaders.

I wouldn't even bother getting into this again except that when I hear spurious comments like mandy's about some of the most vulnerable guests in this country and then read about the Alegerian woman carrying a one year old child in Glasgow being stoned and then sexually assaulted by white youths because she's an asylum seeker, I can't help connecting the dots.

Really, people should know better than to contribute to this inhospitable, selfish, and paranoid attitude.

P.S. Giro's your name, Giro. Or at least it was last time you were on the Chipping Norton forum trying to stir up trouble by claiming that Charlbury posters were slagging off Chipping Norton Secondary school.

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