Neighbourhood Plan

charlie clews

Thu 24 Sep 2015, 14:32

As a very recent previous resident and as a consultant who plays an active role the planning process I really hope Charlbury does this. But in doing so I do hope that when producing this plan Charlbury acknowledges its role as a rural service center (WODC terminology) with a mainline railway connection, a vibrant community, a broad array of services, facilities and with a wonderful new part funded community center on the horizon. I refer to no specific development but a balance has to be struck between inevitable growth and conservation and this process should be steered by the local community.

The risk being if Charlbury refuses to accept growth the forces of demand and supply will inevitably lead to a tipping point; either that or house prices will become so high that it'll become a town of commuters or second home owners and the wonderful mix of people that currently makes the town, the festivals and the pubs so great will be sadly lost.

May I be as bold as to quote WODC draft local plan Core Policy 2:
The rural service centres of Bampton, Burford, Charlbury, Eynsham, Long
Hanborough and Woodstock are suitable for development of an appropriate scale and
type that would help to reinforce their existing service centre role. Sites may be specifically identified within or on the edge of some of these service centres, including through Neighborhood Plans.

How old is your house?
What would Charlbury have looked like before it was built?

One more thing I'd love to see a time-lapse map produced showing how Charlbury has infilled/ spread over the years. As unless I'm very much misguided Chalrbury has never stood still, it grows every year and amongst other things the plan is supposed to be about managing and influencing that growth which may exclude areas but it also has to include areas.

It's a very tough process to do and to manage as inevitably peoples opinions will vary but no doubt when thinking about it every street, every park, every field will be judged on its own merits.

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