Continual night humming noise pollution

Charlotte Penn

Tue 17 Jan 2012, 19:13

Just to keep you all posted, I have made progress with the council and the police throughout today, regarding noise pollution and speeding. There are many issues here, and the council and police are being amazingly helpful.

Neil Shellard WODC, will be coming out late at night, in Charlbury to investigate this low humming noise issue pollution, very soon.

Moving on. I now hear that Hydac are applying for planning permission for more machinery, at their premises in Charlbury. Does anyone know anything about this? Please share…

Many thanks Mike for your post regarding Hydac. I will keep you updated with this, as all.

I also hear that a manufacturer at Enstone airport has permission to fly their new spitfires!

So the continual noise pollution could go on all though the days, as last summer, will happen throughout this summer.

Now, Paul Fowler, I am a huge fan of spitfires. I think that they are beautiful, and amazing. One of favourite films is about the man who designed it. R J Mitchell,

The film was called 'The First of the Few', and it was on BBC2 last October. I would love to watch them, fly. I think that a spitfire flying show, would be amazing to watch locally at Enstone. It's just the continual flying testing, every day/ all day that concerns me, regarding noise pollution.

Moving onwards and upwards! I need some help regarding these issues, and I now know that it's not just me, that's complaining, about our noise pollution. I'm so delighted that Roger Clarke is going to raise these issues at the next Charlbury Town Council meeting. Many thanks Roger and Susie for letting me know this.

However, I would like to add that, the Charlbury Wilderness Festival was not an issue last year, playing until they did, except for one late band after 11pm, for nearly an hour. And, the great sounding bands playing locally are not an issue either, as long as they don't play after 11pm. Law.

I would like to make this last positive point that Charlbury is a great lively town, and that's why I moved here. And, I would always encourage and advocate enjoyable play and fun, for lovely people. Long may this happen. But, there are limits to the continual noise pollution issues, night and day. Low flight helicopters, low humming through the night, spitfires and so on. It's not fair and makes folks ill, with sleep deprecation.

I will keep you all posted, as I wish that you all do so too with us all, in a positive way!

Please prey for a 6 year old boy, who got run over in Carterton this afternoon. His parents must be desperate. It's so sad.

Please drive slowly and carefully. It could be you that gets driven into or you could be that driver. If you are that driver, you will have to live with the guilt for the rest of your life. Think, leave early and drive sensibly. People's lives are at risk.

Rant over Roger! Over to you now and our Town Council. I need a break.

Best wishes to all, and sleep tight in peace (hopefully) in beautiful Charlbury.


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