Richard ,can anything be done to stop baiting on the website (Admin discussions)

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Sat 10 Jan 2009, 11:22

Thanks David. I've been up to here with work this week and hadn't noticed this thread until today.

Please if one poster annoys you, do not respond: use the 'x' by their name to block their postings. It's not the initial postings that are the main problem, it's the hostile atmosphere caused by the repeated arguing. We know very well where everyone stands by now, let's leave it at that.

David McCutcheon

Thu 8 Jan 2009, 22:42

On 2nd January Richard (Site Admin) stated:
"Any discussion of cycling, driving, 4x4 snowmobiles etc. for the next fortnight WILL be deleted."

This missive may not be apparent to all, as it is somewhat hidden in the subject "Insurance Increases"

Also Igor subsequently vowed to give this forum a 'wide berth' - so expect posts addressed to him personally to pass without response.

Alan Sinclair

Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:42

I fully agree with Dave and Terry.

Terry Walker

Wed 7 Jan 2009, 22:26

Dave, I'm so pleased you are able to post a frank and common sense response to Igor's last posting. I am still speachless at his attitude about people in Charlbury and how they go about their lives whether it be on foot, bicycle, train or driving a 4x4. Like many, many others in Charlbury I don't think I will bother posting my feelings, beliefs or comments on the forum in the future as long as there are people like Igor, who is always ready to jump in with the aggressive I know best and everyone else is wrong attitude.

Dave Oates

Wed 7 Jan 2009, 15:00

Igor, this has got to stop. The reason you get everyone's back up is not because you are American (99.9% of Charlburians don't care whether you are American, Korean, Somalian, German or even from Chippy!). It is because every single issue raised on this forum is taken back by you to being about 4 x 4's, murdering drivers or similar. I have lived here 15 years and been heavily involved with the community and its' very varied members (via Street Fair, Young Bands, CADS (briefly!) and mainly, The Riverside) and I have never known anything but friendliness. To therefore call the people of Charlbury small-minded and xenophobic is not only badly misguided, it is one of the core reasons why you are so vilified.

This is a caring town, full of people who not only care about each other and the world outside, but also who care passionately about Charlbury, its' history and its' future. It is therefore inevitable that if attacked, the Town will defend itself. If I look at the people who post on this forum, most are broad-minded and welcoming (there is one notable exception!!) and I feel strongly that you should take a long hard look at what you say and how you say it before condemning the place you live. As I have said before, no-one wants Charlbury to turn into an unsafe place to live, but by continuing this tirade against everything automotive, you will continue to receive brickbats and turn everyone off discussing the subject sensibly.

Incidentally, I have recently returned from a trip to California (as I frequently do) and whilst the Prius is the trendy vehicle for the "look at me, aren't I green?" glitterati, SUV's (4x4 to us) are still by far the predominant car on the road.

Finally, is this really an admin topic??????

Igor Goldkind

Sat 3 Jan 2009, 04:58

So your answer is to run me out of town?
Talk about taking responsibility for actions, Ken is something to do with the pot and the colour black. You are one of the worst offenders on this forum trying to bully me into submission and calling me a pain in the arse. Incomer?

When have I ever attacked you personally on this forum? I don't even know who you are and you don't know me but you think you're entitled to call me names? You get what you give in turn:

You are obviously one of those narrow minded little englander bigots who can't see beyond their own fat ass and are threatened by any foreigner or anyone who doesn't live in their petty little provincial world. Fortunately there aren't many of you left as your children and grandchildren have left your xenophobia behind as they soon shall leave you behind.

And Terry, the only thing that makes me disgruntled in Charlbury are the small little minds of the residents who are so myopic as to gang up on anyone they disagree with or speaks in a foreign accent. I'm not the only foreigner that has been vilified by the local resident bigots and I won't be the last as long as people like you extend this kind of Charlbury hospitality. This is easily the unfriendliest, most unwelcoming and overtly hostile place I have ever lived in my life.

You do your village, your country and your nationality no credit.

Do you seriously think I'm the only foreigner who reads this forum? The residents of Charlbury have created their own reputation well beyond my little opinion, for intolerance, xenophobia and general bigotry.


Terry Walker

Fri 2 Jan 2009, 22:22

You really do seem to be a disgruntled unhappy person Igor. California has a reputation of burning up, probably from the speed of vehicles out there. I somehow don't think that living in Charlbury is doing your personality, image or even your personal happiness in life any good at all, but you probably don't care and I wouldn't know, I don't have all the answers. Lighten up a bit and try to understand the British sense of humour.

ken jones

Fri 2 Jan 2009, 16:13

it is about time you took responsobility for your actions igor.far from being a part of the community. you are becoming a pain in the arse to the residents of charlbury.your one man crusade is just going to push you father away from this town and make you an incomer with american values which mean nothing in this country. be warned igor you are on a stickey wicket.

Igor Goldkind

Fri 2 Jan 2009, 08:43

Having recently lost my temper yet again on this forum in response to being accused of besmirching Charlbury's reputation and engineering (somehow) the rise in car insurance rates here, I'd like to know if anyone can explain to me why the driverd in Charlbury are so fanatically defensive about the…

Long post - click to read full text


Fri 19 Dec 2008, 22:28

not at all or is the truth hurts uncle ken.

ken jones

Thu 18 Dec 2008, 18:17

mandy how can you accuse poor uncle ken of baiting people on this web site. you should be ashamed of yourself.


Mon 15 Dec 2008, 10:44

and your not ken

ken jones

Sun 14 Dec 2008, 13:30

roger you are the main baiter on this website so dont go crying to richard when nobody agrees with you.


Thu 20 Nov 2008, 13:31

Well thanks for the response ,i take on board what you say and will try not to get so het up over something that has happened and concentrate on trying with others to make Charlbury a safer enviroment for all.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Thu 20 Nov 2008, 10:32

What can I say? Yes, I too wish that people would stop both baiting and rising to the bait.


Thu 20 Nov 2008, 08:12

i agree


Thu 20 Nov 2008, 06:43

Richard ,whilst i appreciate that my views are not always welcome on some threads ,i do my best to give honest advice and views as i see it .I also accept peoples advice from the threads that i start on here sometime actively seeking advice from posters .But some posters on the main board seem to want me excluded and for what reason i do not know .
If people do not want the thoughts of others or understanding where its due ,why do they share information with us on here surely it would be best ,as you have said not to post.

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