Annoying men with no courage to divulge themselves (Admin discussions)

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Thu 20 Nov 2008, 10:30

Firstly, discussion of the site should go in the admin board, that's what it's there for.

Secondly, and fairly obviously I'd have thought, I can't "grease pen" a particular contributor. A thread, yes. Not a contributor. How would that work? You'd get isolated postings that make no sense out of context.

If people would like to insist on first name/last name then that's a debate to be had, but on the admin board, not the main one.


Thu 20 Nov 2008, 10:24


Charlotte Penn

Thu 20 Nov 2008, 10:06

Mandy you sound really lovely, and after all you do for all - you're cool


Thu 20 Nov 2008, 08:11

does that mean that im in the grease pit then as i dont have my last name on here just cos people dont put there last name on here dosent mean they are bullies.just cos they say things that people dont like i think its a bit like the turuth hurts if you dont want people to reply to your post then dont put things on there that will wind them up.

Alan Sinclair

Wed 19 Nov 2008, 23:47

Well said Charlotte

How ever last time I said something similar I was told off and accused of bullying so good luck and you have my support.

Alan Sinclair

Charlotte Penn

Wed 19 Nov 2008, 19:58

It’s seems to me that the main threads on this great forum are consistently ruined by these men, who don’t divulge their last names.

They obviously are not proud of themselves and enjoy annoying others. Generally - These types of men are bullies.

I believe these men, who don’t reveal their last names should be placed directly into the grease pen.

I’m too busy working around the clock for others– looking after other lovely people. I’ve just worked 20 hours a day for 7 days.

Richard – please grease pen Rogers and the ones with no last names. It’s too tiring and just keeps wasting intelligent people’s energy. And, yours! They never seem to get it – however you much you explain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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