BT Internet - Nuisance Phone Call

Christine Battersby

Sat 22 Dec 2018, 10:51 (last edited on Sat 22 Dec 2018, 11:01)

01926 is the code for Leamington Spa. Somebody is obviously faking numbers from the Leamington & adjacent (old) Coventry areas for these scams.

I have had numerous scam calls from "BT" over the last few weeks. Each one gets put into my 1572 BT personal list which blocks further phone calls from that number. Unfortunately, the scammers just change the number they are calling from & try again. I do recommend 1572, nevertheless, and these days it can also block many overseas calls.

Hamish Nichol

Sat 22 Dec 2018, 10:16

Same call from 01926514804. Claiming to be from BT Openreach and telling me they can speed up internet if I do as they say on my laptop. Told them I saw running a Linux based OS which confused them and eventually (after purposely keeping them talking for a considerable time) they promised to fix the fault at their end and hung up.
A bunch for of complete scammers!

Matt Bullock

Fri 21 Dec 2018, 13:45

Charlie, 01203 used to be the code for Coventry, but is no more. Coventry is now 024... so anyone calling you from 01203 should be treaded with suspicion. So should people from Coventry.

Charlie M

Fri 21 Dec 2018, 12:27

A heavily-accented woman called me from 01203 438894 "about my BT internet connection". As I do not have a BT internet connection, I told her where to go in fluent Anglo-Saxon.

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