Accident in the field next to scout hut

Peter Kenrick

Sat 24 Nov 2018, 13:01

Sharon - sorry to hear that your daughter's leg was in fact broken and I wish her a speedy recovery. I am glad that I was able to help with getting the gate open to help the paramedics get your daughter to the ambulance.

There are a number of gates around Charlbury which do need to be kept locked (e.g. at Nine Acres and Mill Field) but in the event of an emergency you can always contact Roger Clarke, the Town Clerk on 01608 810608. If he cannot open the gate himself he will usually know who can. Roger is aware of this incident and if you would like the town council to consider putting emergency numbers on gates, please drop an email to In this particular case, the gate by the Scout Hut is controlled by the Wychwood Project who manage Wigwell under a conservation lease.

As a general point, for the sake of your own safety, I would urge everyone to take care when walking in the countryside and to make sure that you are wearing appropriate footwear with good tread and ankle support. We are very fortunate to have so many great public and permissive paths on our doorstep but most are in open country and not on manicured parkland. Paths are often uneven, muddy and slippery - take care, enjoy and stay safe!

Pearl Manners

Thu 22 Nov 2018, 07:24

Oh dear that is a long time Sharon, so sorry hear that. Best wishes x


Thu 22 Nov 2018, 05:52

Thank you pearl long road to recovery 3-6 mths so much damage from 1 little slip.

Pearl Manners

Wed 21 Nov 2018, 10:39

Sorry to hear that Sharon I do hope your daughter is improving. You're right there should be a number to call in emergencies be much more sensible


Wed 21 Nov 2018, 07:37 (last edited on Wed 21 Nov 2018, 08:01)

I would just like to say thank you to the man who phoned someone to get the code for the lock on the gate so that the ambulance could get in after my daughter slipped and broke her tibia and fibula last wedensday sorry it's taken me a while to post this but my daughter has just come out of hospital maybe there should be a number put on the gate to ring in case of a emergency.

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