We have been inundated with donations

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Sat 17 Nov 2018, 07:57

The response to the appeal for emergency aid for refugees arriving on Lesvos has been amazing. Thank you all so much.

As a result of your generosity, we now have as much as we can possibly sort and pack in the time. We have to ask you not to bring further donations on this occasion, and apologise if this causes you inconvenience.

We are getting some stuff that is not suitable, either categories we didn't ask for, or clothing not suitable for refugees in outdoor camp environments.

So another way you could help is by coming and collecting bags of such items and taking them away to dispose of (e.g. recycling, charity shops).

We are at the Quaker Meeting House in Market Street all day.

Thank you from Charlbury Refugee Action Group.

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