Lost Local Wilderness Tickets

mia milner moore

Wed 25 Jul 2018, 09:43

I'm sorry to hear that you had such a negative experience. I get that they need to prevent fraud but it's a shame if they won't assist in cases where there has been a genuine mistake.

Huw Mallins-Brown

Tue 24 Jul 2018, 23:59

In my experience you will get no joy with Wilderness in replacing lost or damaged tickets ( mine went through the washing machine, but even with the two damaged tickets and partiallly readable numbers they refused to accept or reissue the tickets. The Cornbury Park Estate office tried hard to help, but even they could not penetrate the intransigence of Wilderness.

mia milner moore

Tue 24 Jul 2018, 19:03

Hi. We bought some local Wilderness tickets back in March, some of which were for a family friend. She has mislaid her tickets and has approached Wilderness to try to get replacements, with no success. I know exactly when I bought them because the transaction is on my bank statement and I have my tickets so imagine that hers will have followed on / preceded them in the number sequence. Does anyone know whether there is any means of my contacting the ladies who used to work behind the Post Office to see if they have a record of which tickets were issued in individual transactions. Probably a faint hope I know but i would like to do whatever I can to make sure my friend doesn't lose out. If anyone has any bright suggestions I would be very grateful for them!

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