Town/village ding dong

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 4 Jul 2018, 21:27

I think this thread has probably run its course. Please tune in at the same time next year for the same discussion.

Philip Ambrose

Wed 4 Jul 2018, 20:35

Face - bothered? Not me! Bit sad really that people can get wound up over such a trivial matter IMHO.

Matthew Greenfield

Wed 4 Jul 2018, 20:00

Are you sure?

Bruce Claridge

Wed 4 Jul 2018, 19:39

So to confirm, Charlbury is a town.

Ed Roden

Wed 4 Jul 2018, 12:15

What kind of a place are we if we welcome people who show an interest or a passion for where we live with spiteful, bickering arguments over vocabulary

Town or village, once again it proves that as a community, there are always some keen to overlook the generosity, welcome and charm of Charlbury. I've lived here since I was a teenager and I can't see how it could begin to matter whether someone considers there own home in a town or a village, as long as they feel a part of something and not sidelined or marginalised by a group of people determined to overlook the positive in everything.

It's not what we are, town or village, that really defines us but how we treat other people.


Wed 4 Jul 2018, 11:10

Well said Martin prew

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 4 Jul 2018, 10:52

The July engineering works mean that Nine Acres Lane, where rail replacement buses will be stopping, has been added to the official railway station database. The three-letter station code is CVG, which stands for Charlbury Village...

(But feel sorry for poor old Bicester, where Bicester Town station was recently renamed Bicester Village!)

Robin Taylor

Tue 3 Jul 2018, 19:16

When we moved here in 1984, I assumed we had moved to a village because we had a Parish Council. Then at some point in the last 34 years, it changed to a Town Council. (I don't remember quite when this was) and I had to learn to call it a town. I can't say I have never lapsed and called it the wrong thing.

Martin prew

Tue 3 Jul 2018, 18:50 (last edited on Tue 3 Jul 2018, 18:53)

Charlbury is a town and some are proud of that fact. It seems to me that people only want to call it a village so they can tell friends and family that they live in a lovely little Cotswold village, and after all how would you like to be called something you are not, particularly if it was not correct.

Philip Ambrose

Tue 3 Jul 2018, 12:30

Is it generally a good thing when experience exceeds expectation, so in some ways Charlbury is better described as a village than a town, whatever title history may have bestowed upon it.

Visitors and newcomers are less likely to be disappointed (indeed impressed) by the range of facilities and services available in what most impartial observers would consider to be a village.

Claire Wilding

Mon 2 Jul 2018, 13:01

I was directing some tourists the other day who had taken a wrong turn and were stuck in the one way system. I said " go up there,turn right there, that will bring you back round the bottom of the village. TOWN! I mean town! It is actually town you know ..."

I think they thought I was a bit bonkers.

Andrew Chapman

Mon 2 Jul 2018, 10:37

Before coming here I lived in Kidlington, which suffers from the opposite problem: it has a population of about 14,000 people (more than four times that of Charlbury) but insists it's a village! Details, schmetails.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Mon 2 Jul 2018, 09:54

(Postings moved from another thread for those that really want to revisit this hoary old chestnut! Personally I think if Charlbury wants to be taken seriously as a town it needs to behave like a town, and that probably includes not stressing about what people call us quite so frequently...)

Angus B

Mon 2 Jul 2018, 07:12


john h

Sun 1 Jul 2018, 23:16 (last edited on Sun 1 Jul 2018, 23:18)

That will do Angus!! I only had a Spendlove education!!

Angus B

Sun 1 Jul 2018, 23:02

If we have to comment on errors, john h, may I enquire as to whether you mean "Hear Hear!"?

Huw Mallins-Brown

Sun 1 Jul 2018, 21:51


You should have the decency to apologise.

A good talk by you yesterday, but you (like me) are a recent arrival - welcome others too.

Paul Rassam

Sun 1 Jul 2018, 21:31

I'd like to second Richard's comment and point out that Charlbury hardly looks like a town to someone from London. It seems a less than charming way to respond to someone who writes that they like Charlbury and would like to spend more time here.

Richard Broughton
(site admin)

Sun 1 Jul 2018, 18:57

Nice to see how tolerant and welcoming our town can be.

john h

Sun 1 Jul 2018, 18:34

Here Here!!!


Sun 1 Jul 2018, 17:11

Charlbury is not a village but a town hate it when people call it a village.

Simon Walker

Sun 1 Jul 2018, 17:01

Village? What village?

Tsk, tsk .....

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