Lost soft toy

Simon Tibbitts

Mon 2 Jul 2018, 11:49

The owner of that house hasn't seen it. I walked past around 20:30 on the Saturday looking for it but don't remember seeing it. I guess someone else must have taken it.

Thank you very much for your responses on this Claire & Laura.

Laura Macy

Mon 2 Jul 2018, 09:09

Probably not helpful, but I saw it in the same place at a bit after 7pm on Saturday evening. So they may well have taken it in.

Simon Tibbitts

Mon 2 Jul 2018, 08:20

Thank you very much Claire. That is really helpful. I did retrace our steps on Saturday but didn't see it. I have just been down early this morning and checked the wall but it is not there. If anyone saw it after that then please let me know. I will inquire at the house at a more reasonable hour.

Thank you

Claire Wilding

Sun 1 Jul 2018, 21:18

I saw this on my way home, about 6pm it was on the wall of the first house on church Street after you leave the churchyard. Hope you find it.

Simon Tibbitts

Sun 1 Jul 2018, 20:09

My daughter lost her soft toy at the beer festival or on the way home via the church and up Brown's lane/Enstone Rd past the Co-op. It is a very colourful Owl with large plastic eyes. This is a picture of it: goo.gl/images/RZpcug

If anyone has seen it or picked it up my daughter would be over the moon to get it back.

Thank you

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