Potholes and spending (Debate)

Paul Taylor

Sun 27 May 2018, 19:11

(We shouldn't confuse local issues with national ones) sorry you are wrong looking at them figures if we reduce the money we send abroad by 40% we could look after the elderly far better also the roads could be improved also NHS could benefit it's not only a local thing most people pay taxes local government can't spend it until parliament and the government dish the cash out. They choose the gross amounts of money they send to these country's so it's a National issue.

Paul Taylor

Sun 27 May 2018, 18:58

The figures you put on here Kate are in dollars here are the official UK spending over seas Perhaps we could start spending money at home rather than sending it abroad keep some money for the uK.
List of top ten country's U.K. Send money to
1 Pakistan 351.4 million
2 Ethiopia 334.1million
3 Nigeria 253.5million
4 Sierra lione 213.8million
5 South Sudan 205.2 million
6 Arab Repulic 201.6 million
7 Tanzania 199.7 million
8 Afghanistan 199.6 million
9 Bangladesh 157.5 million
10 India 150.4 million
This is for a year surely we need to reduce some spending abroad ?.

Alice Brander

Sun 13 May 2018, 15:38

The maintenance of local roads is paid for by Charlbury residents through their local Council tax bill. They vote for local councillors and those councillors are forced to cut the budgets every year to maintain the adult social care budget. The adult social care budget is paid for by Charlbury residents in their annual council tax bill. We shouldn't confuse local issues with national ones I agree.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Sat 12 May 2018, 07:47

Yes, it does of course impact on Charlbury just as (say) Brexit or schools spending or anything, really, does. But it's not specifically local - it's just the same for Witney or Bicester or wherever - and that's the rule of thumb for the (more actively moderated) main board. This is to prevent Charlbury town issues being swamped by the millions of county/national issues we could discuss, and also so the volunteer moderators don't continually have to make judgement calls on more contentious political issues. Thank you for your tolerance.

Alice Brander

Sat 12 May 2018, 07:21

How is a discussion about how the councillors we vote for in our local county elections not a local issue? We pay council tax to the Councils who are responsible for local services. Oxfordshire County Council is responsible for the roads (except the major strategic roads that are funded by…

Long post - click to read full text

Katie Ewer

Fri 11 May 2018, 11:14

Paul, here is the data:


I agree that we should have better accounting for taxes and that there should be more money for social care, but I also think we can't stop foreign aid unless we stop stripping third-world countries of their resources for our own profit.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 11 May 2018, 11:00

(New thread for national/international issues moved from the main board --Richard)

Paul Taylor

Fri 11 May 2018, 10:04

Russell I would love to see every penny of all the tax I pay each year accounted for I Bet at the very least 25% is waisted. Also Katie implies we get more money from third world countries than we give in Aid have you seen the amounts they were published last year it's no wonder there's problems over here we do need to look after our old folk but the figures quoted last year if we had saved 25% of what we gave away our old folk would be looked after and the roads would be fit for purpose

Mark Sulik

Fri 11 May 2018, 07:52

Potholes 'costing drivers and insurers £1m in repair bills' - The Independent

russell robson

Thu 10 May 2018, 14:32

Perhaps we could pay more council tax.

Then the council would have the money for the services that people feel need to be provided.

Just think of what the council provides, and then divide your council tax into that.

Oh, sorry, that's a stupid thought.

Paul Taylor

Thu 10 May 2018, 10:56

Kate no your right there its a government thing yes I know that I am not stupid but the government choose to give money aboard so less money to local councils. Failing to repair roads will only make roads deteriorate even more and in the long rum cost more to tax payers. Liz we don't have Choices Choices the government don't give our money the right places we vote for some things and MP go out of their way to stop it because it doesn't suit them not the people THEM. Yes your right other area are bad but as a councillor you have more chance of changing things than others here.

Katie Ewer

Thu 10 May 2018, 08:52

Paul, does money for overseas aid come from the County Council? I'm not sure that it does, but even if it did, it must be possible to have decent roads and help people less fortunate than ourselves. There are lots of other places that money could be saved without cutting the aid budget, bearing in mind that we extract far more money from third-world countries than we give in aid. We could look at MP's expenses, money spent by government on expensive consultations that lead nowhere, procurement processes within the civil service or vanity projects like the Garden Bridge in London to name but a few.

Liz Reason

Wed 9 May 2018, 22:28

I have to drive through Buckinghamshire frequently at the moment. Also bad potholes. This is a nationwide problem related to austerity policies squeezing local authority budgets. Some people are enthusiasts for such policies, and some get very upset when the policies impinge on their own lives. Choices choices.

Michael Butler 16

Tue 8 May 2018, 19:57

I did two tyres in a year. Well done Paul. Incidentally where does all the road tax go? Most of it on white marker spray?

Paul Taylor

Mon 7 May 2018, 19:55 (last edited on Mon 7 May 2018, 19:57)

At the moment petition is locked waiting to be approved had well over 20 replies in an hour. Will post link

Paul Taylor

Mon 7 May 2018, 08:35

Stop sending millions of pounds over seas spend some of the money on our highways. Please sign my petition thanks . petition.parliament.uk/petitions/219489/sponsors/new?token=KU1WKYzz8om33KNb1IT

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