What's the trick for getting advert photos the right way up?

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Tue 9 Jan 2018, 11:12

If the rotation fails, use the photo editing software on your gizmo to rotate the image the necessary number of degrees, and post it. It will come out right even if it looks wrong, if you get me!

Simon Fenn

Mon 8 Jan 2018, 17:22

I think I'll do all of the above. Thanks!

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Mon 8 Jan 2018, 16:28

1. Take them without rotating your camera (/phone/whatever); or
2. Use a graphics program on your computer to do a 'rotate right', then 'rotate left', then save - this usually resets the rotation; or
3. Go and buy lots of coffee and cake from the Deli, thereby making it such a soaraway success that I can spend less time thinking about that, and more time finishing the new version of the website which automatically gets it right!

Simon Fenn

Mon 8 Jan 2018, 16:18

It's been on here before but I've forgotten.

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