Are you a member of the Institute of Waste Management?

Steven Fairhurst Jones

Fri 12 Jan 2018, 19:13 (last edited on Fri 12 Jan 2018, 19:14)

Yes and yes.

Lower tier councils (the districts and city) are the waste collection authorities, who manage the bin collections, and upper tier councils (like Oxfordshire County Council) - are the waste disposal authority. If WODC and the others were to collect the waste wrongly, then OCC would have difficulty recycling it as effectively as they do.

They're all in it together, as are we, and happily Oxfordshire is one of the best in terms of recycling.

Liz Reason

Fri 12 Jan 2018, 18:52

OCC runs the waste sites so I imagine - and sincerely hope - that the districts and county work together to coordinate their strategies.

Claire Wilding

Fri 12 Jan 2018, 12:45

Interesting to see OCC consulting on this when they aren't actually responsible for the recycling service (it is WODC's job).

Steven Fairhurst Jones

Thu 11 Jan 2018, 11:20

I think this is the right thread to note that the County Council has just launched a consultation on recycling, which will close on 18 February. Here is the text of the press release, and there's a link right at the bottom to an online survey:

Raising the bar in…

Long post - click to read full text

Alice Brander

Mon 8 Jan 2018, 21:13

Thank you Hannen - I'll check with them.

Hannen Beith

Sat 6 Jan 2018, 20:17

Alice - you might like to contact this excellent organisation:

Alice Brander

Sat 6 Jan 2018, 10:22

If you are, please send a message with contact details. We need your help and advice organising a meeting with the Council trying to understand what happens to all our waste and what we should be doing to reduce it. The chain of discussion on the reducing the use of plastics is clearly only a part of the problem. Help please.

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