Charlbury Primary School

Katie Ewer

Mon 20 Nov 2017, 18:01

Thanks Phil, I will ask the school office whether they might provide these figures. I think it would also be interesting to know how many children at the school are from out from outside of the catchment area as this gives a good idea of demand from within the town itself.

Phil Morgan

Mon 20 Nov 2017, 17:15

This is to take up the post by Katie on the Post Office thread. Thank you Katie for some real information. It has long been a topic of conversation in the town that the Primary School is full so how can 'they' allow more houses to be built?
It would be good for everyone to know the figures:- how many on roll, how many places available, predicted intake for 2018 to 2012?
There has been an argument for building a new school on the outskirts of the town to accommodate extra children but, if there is little or no permitted 'affordable' housing, where will the children come from?

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