Walking Football

Jenny Chambers

Wed 3 Jan 2018, 18:29

We're pleased you're able to join the session in its new Wednesday 3-4 pm slot John.

We'll put up posters on noticeboards around the town to try to bring in some more players. But feel free to suggest other ways we could promote the session.

John Munro

Wed 3 Jan 2018, 17:07

So pleased that the walking football has moved to the afternoon. Just taken part in today's session. Reasonable turnout allowing us to play 5-a-side, but would benefit from a few more participants.

Jenny Chambers

Mon 1 Jan 2018, 14:52

Starting this week, the weekly Walking Football session at the Community Centre will move to a new afternoon slot.

Instead of 10-11 am on Wednesday mornings, the new time will be 3-4 pm on Wednesdays.

Hopefully the new slot will suit current players as well as some new ones. We've made the change in order to accommodate the new Community Gym.

Jenny Chambers

Wed 25 Oct 2017, 08:52

Good news! Walking Football will start at the Community Centre on Wednesday 15th November. It will have a regular Wednesday morning slot, 10-11 am. The first one, on 15th November, will be a free taster session. Thereafter, the cost will be £3.50 per session, on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Come and give it a try! And why not stay for a coffee afterwards, to re-live the action?

Malcolm Blackmore

Sat 23 Sep 2017, 00:32

Oh, I forgot - best for me to avoid Tuesday.

John Munro

Fri 22 Sep 2017, 21:11

Don't worry about how skillful you might or might not be - its a fun event.
I am definitely no Ronaldo!

Jenny Chambers

Fri 22 Sep 2017, 06:58

Great to see that there is interest in getting Walking Football going in the Community Centre. Keep the forum posts coming... Or pop in to the Centre and leave your name & contact details for me.
I'll chase up the guys who have offered to run it, to see how soon they could start. Watch this space...

Malcolm Blackmore

Thu 21 Sep 2017, 21:17

I wonder if I could do this, although the two strokes last sept. didn't affect my mobility that much - just this week took the step of dog walkies without a stick for the first time! But "the first thing you learn is that ball control is more essential than ever" might be a problem - was too old on coming from Canada to develop anything useful unlike kids raised to the game and their magic elastic foot tethers! How much skill is one needing to have to participate without frustrating everyone else!?

Clarrie Haynes

Thu 21 Sep 2017, 19:01

I am interested but am committed Mondays and Thursdays

Clive Gibson-Leitch

Tue 19 Sep 2017, 20:37

I'm up for it, but would also like to see an over-50s 'normal' 5-a-side session.

Alistair Kerr

Tue 19 Sep 2017, 14:36

Funnily enough I Googled this an hour ago to see if there was anywhere near by. Count me in.

Steven Fairhurst Jones

Tue 19 Sep 2017, 10:37

There's a good article about the sport here:


John Munro

Mon 18 Sep 2017, 21:11

Excellent - count me in, assuming it won't be a Wednesday!
For the record, Chippy charge £3 per person per session.

Jenny Chambers

Mon 18 Sep 2017, 21:01

I've recently met up with a couple of guys from GLL Leisure (aka Better Leisure) who currently put on Walking Football around the region. We've agreed to try to get this going in Charlbury, aiming to start November ish. They will run the sessions, free of charge. There will be a small charge (£4.00 ish) per player to cover the sportshall hire cost. The time slot is likely to be an hour on a weekday morning.
It would be useful to know how much interest there is in the plan, so feel free to post on here.

John Munro

Mon 18 Sep 2017, 19:49

I currently play Walking Football up at Chippy Leisure Centre early on a Monday evening, but just wonder whether there might be enough interest here in Charlbury and make it worth setting something up at our new Community Centre.
For those new to the sport, Walking Football is an inclusive, sociable fun version of 5 a-side football usually (but not exclusively) aimed at the over 50's. The game is designed to help people keep an active lifestyle despite their age, as well as getting those back playing football who had to stop due to injuries. As the name suggests, Walking Football is a minimal contact sport that does not allow anyone to sprint, run or jog while the ball is in play.
If there is enough interest, I am happy to discuss the idea with Jenny and try and get a 'taster session' organised.

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