Blood Donor Clinic at new Community Centre? Interested?

Philip Ambrose

Sun 17 Jun 2018, 20:18

Eight months on and I am still waiting for the courtesy of a reply from Mike Stredder or even one of his minions.
When I hear adverts on the radio that NHS B&T are desperate for donors I am afraid that cynical mode now kicks in. I would be happy to donate blood in Charlbury, but not so keen to spend time and money driving elsewhere to fit in with their ever tighter schedules. Core donors 20-40 age group? really?

Stephen Andrews

Sat 16 Jun 2018, 09:38

Not sure this is the correct information. The local sessions I go to (typically Yarnton or Chippy are always at full stretch and if you look on the blood uk website there is an urgent need for O and B- blood as stocks are at 3 days when the target is 6 days. In my experience it is difficult to persuade younger donors to start, so keep campaigning for Charlbury to be reinstated as a donor location.

Mark Benians

Sat 16 Jun 2018, 08:52

Giving blood in Witney last week and wondering if this idea is ever likely to come to anything, I got into conversation with the session supervisor and learnt a number of things which seem to make a Charlbury blood donation rather unlikely.

For one thing the overall demand for blood is dropping due to improvements in hospital procedures. The blood service are planning to move to a more focused donation process placing more emphasis on what they really need. Also the core donors are seen as people in their 20's to 40's which means they concentrate their collection efforts in areas where this group is maximised i.e. areas with significant employment. All of these factors mean that village donations are being reduced and they are unlikely be opening up new village/small town locations.

I'm just passing on what I heard and not suggesting those who donate should consider stopping due to lack of need.
I asked if there is any information on their website to back up this information and was asked to leave my details for someone to make contact but I'm still waiting.

Philip Ambrose

Wed 14 Feb 2018, 12:23

Any progress on this? I would so much prefer to donate in Charlbury. Blood Service does not seem very responsive to a worthwhile local initiative. :-(

Jenny Chambers

Sun 5 Nov 2017, 08:36

Thank you Stephen and Philip.

Philip Ambrose

Sat 4 Nov 2017, 18:49

Jenny, please see my previous posting for Mike Stredder's contact details.

Stephen Andrews

Wed 1 Nov 2017, 08:34

Good news! I have followed up this morning on the general number I was given and left Jenny's contact details and address of the CCC. The blood session manager will be in touch by phone.

Jenny Chambers

Wed 1 Nov 2017, 07:27

Good morning Stephen, thanks for getting the ball rolling on this. As Margie has said, we can adjust the temperature of the sports hall as needed. Let me have any contact details you have for the Blood Service.
email to
I'll follow up.

Marjorie Glasgow

Wed 1 Nov 2017, 07:04

Sports Hall can be kept above 16 degrees. Please let Jenny Chambers know possible dates for blood donations and other details.

Stephen Andrews

Tue 31 Oct 2017, 19:51

I spoke to the session manager today. She has logged that the Community Centre might be a new suitable venue and a colleague will contact them.

Apparently a new venue must now have space for no less than nine donation beds and 300 potential donors are required. Sports Halls are generally not suitable unless they are heated and able to be kept above a minimum temperature of 16 degrees. Sprung floors (as I understand the new Gifford Room has installed) are not suitable for accommodating their equipment as the weight tends to damage the floor.

Does not sound promising I am afraid.

Miles Walkden

Tue 31 Oct 2017, 16:32


Stephen Andrews

Tue 31 Oct 2017, 08:27 (last edited on Tue 31 Oct 2017, 08:28)

I am off to give blood at Witney this afternoon (well it is Halloween) and will raise the issue with whoever is in charge then.

Philip Ambrose

Mon 30 Oct 2017, 22:45

I emailed Mike Stredder (the boss of the National Blood Service)some five weeks ago(26/9). He has read my email, but I have yet to receive a reply. Maybe others might like to lobby him too? mike.stredder@nhsbt,

Leah Fowler

Mon 30 Oct 2017, 16:05

Best way to send fliers is with the Leaflet

Philippa Phelan

Mon 30 Oct 2017, 13:46

Definitely interested and more than happy to help send around fliers if needed.

Nadine Pilgrim

Wed 25 Oct 2017, 18:59

Yes, I'm interested also

Janet Jeffs

Tue 24 Oct 2017, 11:26

I'd be interested as a regular donor, previously at Charlbury, now Witney.


Mon 23 Oct 2017, 20:31

I'd donate here too if it was available.

Maureen Sparling

Mon 23 Oct 2017, 12:07

Very interested, I currently go to Chippy since they stopped doing it in Charlbury.

Jody O'Reilly

Thu 19 Oct 2017, 20:32

In terms of increased footfall I could probably guarantee a healthy supply of friends and family from stonesfield too.

Mark Benians

Thu 19 Oct 2017, 13:56 (last edited on Thu 26 Oct 2017, 09:24)

Just wondering if you have any news on this topic, Philip. I've just had another routine email reminder to donate so it would be good to know if there is any chance of local donating.

jamie christopher

Fri 25 Aug 2017, 16:33

Very interested. Please let me know. Thank you

Jeremy Baldock

Thu 24 Aug 2017, 18:22

I'd also be interested in donating blood in Charlbury.

Rosemary Bennett

Thu 24 Aug 2017, 15:16

Good idea. I went to Madley Park in Witney the other day and the appointment wasn't in their list. There had been a misunderstand or something... wasted journey.

Philip Ambrose

Thu 24 Aug 2017, 13:09

As the originator of the post I guess that I ought to step up to the plate!

This forum might serve as a good collection point for expressions of interest before anyone contacts NBS.

They will require good footfall - many small locations have been closed.

Marjorie Glasgow

Thu 24 Aug 2017, 12:47

Sounds like an interesting idea. Please will one person who would like to help coordinate for Charlbury get in contact with me and we'll look into it?

Nicola Morgan

Thu 24 Aug 2017, 12:28

Yes. I have donated for many years (everybody should) and it would be so much easier if it was here.

Mark Benians

Thu 24 Aug 2017, 12:23

Yes, another couple of arms wishing for a more local donation site.

Jody O'Reilly

Thu 24 Aug 2017, 06:31

Yes yes! I used to donate much more regularly but as I have been prone to dizziness afterwards I am reluctant to do it when I have to drive or trek home by public transport.

Mark Sulik

Wed 23 Aug 2017, 22:14

I would be happy to attend

Mark Sulik

Wed 23 Aug 2017, 22:13

I would be happy to attend

Stephen Andrews

Wed 23 Aug 2017, 21:46

I was a regular donor at the Memorial Hall, and continue to regularly give at Yarnton, Witney or Chippy. I have asked about the suitability of the new Community Centre, and was told that Sports Halls usually are not selected as they are not kept at a warm enough temperature.

John Munro

Wed 23 Aug 2017, 20:42

I would also prefer to donate locally, rather than going to Witney...

Miranda Higham

Wed 23 Aug 2017, 20:08

What a good idea. I currently donate after work in Oxford, but I would be much happier donating in Charlbury, and so avoid having to catch a train home afterwards.

Jonathan Coyle

Wed 23 Aug 2017, 20:03

I would certainly be interested - I often use the West End donor centre in London to avoid having to think about appointments - but if I had a local, walkable session that would be a different story. Looking to increase my 40 donations

Philip Ambrose

Wed 23 Aug 2017, 19:50

Having just returned from donating my "armful" of O RH+ at Chipping Norton, I wondered if anyone had considered re-instating blood donor sessions in Charlbury?

I used to donate at Charlbury Memorial Hall, but quite understand why the National Blood Service stopped going there. Poor access, no parking.

The new Community Centre seems much better suited, but NBS will require a high and sustained level of support to justify re-instatement. How many regular donors are there in Charlbury?

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