Jefferson's Piece 48 houses: Planning application

Tony H Merry

Thu 1 Feb 2018, 17:28

The Inspector of West Oxfordshire's local plan has said that that the four Burford ?" Charlbury sub-area housing allocations should not be included in the plan. As one of these was Jeffersons Piece this means that the allocation of this site will not be included and West Oxfordshire have agreed to this. They now say that they will refuse the application if it is not withdrawn or amended and are now consulting the developer suggesting they revise the application at least. So we cannot be sure at the moment what will happen but it does seem to present application for 48 homes will not be approved

James Styring

Wed 16 Aug 2017, 11:44

Tony, your suggestion of a Community Land Trust is the first GOOD suggestion anyone has made about future developments in Charlbury. Thank you. The page about rural CLTs makes it sounds like CLTs could work here. Support for a policy like that should be enshrined in the Town Council's upcoming Plan (not sure of the plan's official name), and the TC needs to get WODC to include stipulations about CLTs for the WODC Local Plan as it affects Charlbury too.

Hannen Beith

Tue 15 Aug 2017, 14:15

Good point James. My concern is mainly with parking which seems to have virtually disappeared in Charlbury. Time for a "Park and Ride" Charlbury scheme? Or compulsory bicycles? I have to say that I'm finding the slog along Hixet Wood into the Town Centre harder and harder, although I suppose it is a form of aerobic exercise!

Tony H Merry

Tue 15 Aug 2017, 13:26

Its true James that most market houses in Charlbury are not really 'affordable' for local people
One problem is the price of building land in Charlbury so we should try to get a sympathetic land owner to release land specifically for this purpose at a much lower price. This could be then developed by a Community Land Trust. I am not sure who might do this but others may have some ideas
The Town Council is now a member of the Community Land Trust Network so you should also check out their website

James Styring

Sat 12 Aug 2017, 08:40

But will it be genuinely affordable?* And if it is, will local people be given priority access to it? How?

The legal definition of affordable is vague - see 'Reality Check: What is affordable housing?' 'Beware of politicians talking about affordable homes. New 'affordable' housing is not…

Long post - click to read full text

christopher edeson

Fri 11 Aug 2017, 16:21

About time there was more affordable housing!

Peter Kenrick

Fri 11 Aug 2017, 16:08

The town council will consider this planning application on Monday 21st August and all are welcome to attend as observers. As always, comments on planning applications should be sent to WODC but if you want the town council, as a consultee, to take note of your comments please also send a copy to the town clerk at well ahead of the meeting on the 21st

Christine Battersby

Thu 10 Aug 2017, 11:22

The anticipated planning application for 48 new houses for land north of Jefferson's Piece is now live and online:

The reference no is 17/02376/FUL and comments are needed by 7 September.

As I understand it (cover letter to Cottsway), there will also be 2 additional affordable houses provided by Cottsway, on part of the land where the garages on Jefferson's Piece now stand. The rest of the land where the garages stand would provide access to the new housing (48 units -- up to 40% affordable housing). This would bring the total new houses up to 50, but the application seems only to cover the 48 units. The proposed road access certainly has not changed, but there is now mention of pedestrian access to Hundley Way.

A couple of people's objections to the draft proposals sent round by Lagan Homes are included in the 86 documents, but most objections that were sent in are not there. I'm not sure why these two were retained and the others not.

There's now much more detail about what is proposed; but most people who objected to the draft plans and also to the inclusion of this land in the revised 2031 Local Plan will need to object again if they still feel so inclined.

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