Footpath to Finstock

Tony Graeme

Sun 6 Aug 2017, 22:55

Thanks, Tony.
I have sent yo a reply by email.

Tony H Merry

Sun 6 Aug 2017, 18:16

Tony - in fact there are regulations for the signs which have to be used for footpath closures see
There should also be a plan to indicate where they should be placed. If this has not been followed then a complaint should be made to OCC. I also think that the application for closure should be seen by the Town Council before it is allowed in case we have any comments


Sun 6 Aug 2017, 18:06

Police and forensic were there from 6.30am and were there all day and the lane was tapped off by whites barn an entrance I. To cornbury

Pearl Manners

Sun 6 Aug 2017, 12:51 (last edited on Sun 6 Aug 2017, 13:04)

Does anyone know what happened yesterday afternoon about 3ish as there was a lot siren noise and apparently the police were with some festival goers on bends going along the Charlbury, Fawler to Finstock road to entrance? They may of course have been directing/ helping them just hoped nothing nasty had happened.

Tony Graeme

Sun 6 Aug 2017, 12:40 (last edited on Sun 6 Aug 2017, 12:44)

Thank you to the Wilderness management for the much improved signing now in place, complete with direction arrows. Also for the route of the diversion which is better than my suggestion: walkers leave the roadway earlier and it is less hazardous.
However. . . things could still be better. In particular a notice at the corner of the Fisheries car park where the RoWs diverge and at the Finstock boundary opposite the end of the lime avenue (Replacement of the waymark post which used to stand there would help and I will try to get this done well before next year). For the benefit of visiting walkers on the Circular Route (who may have come from far afield and not know the area, or anything about Wilderness) it would be also useful to have a map or diagram of the diversion at these two points.

Tony H Merry

Sat 5 Aug 2017, 23:24

No issue with this then

John Munro

Sat 5 Aug 2017, 18:54

Happy to report that the footpath diversion is adequately signposted, so we were able to get across to The Plough for a drink this afternoon!

Tony H Merry

Sat 5 Aug 2017, 13:52

Tony - in fact there are regulations for the signs which have to be used for footpath closures see
There should also be a plan to indicate where they should be placed. If this has not been followed then a complaint should be made to OCC. I also think that the application for closure should be seen by the Town Council before it is allowed in case we have any comments

Tony Graeme

Fri 4 Aug 2017, 10:26 (last edited on Fri 4 Aug 2017, 10:28)

As the source of Peter's "information received", I can confirm what he says. At least this year Wilderness have done the correct thing by getting OCC authority for the closure, but the 'signing', such as it is, of a diversion is totally inadequate and ineffective. My suggestion (for what it's worth) is , from the Fisheries car park continue along the road past the bus stop as far as the set down area for cars and taxis. Then turn right (with the wall on your left) as far the line of the path to Finstock. You need to be alert for buses and cars on the road and also after turning right because of cars heading for the parking in the field off Little Park. When I inspected on Thursday there were . 'Public Footpath' (without any arrows) notices about half way along the road, opposite the drop off area and half way between the drop off area and the footpath but already by that time (about 4.30 pm) they were flapping in the wind and twisted out of shape because of inadequate support so were pretty useless guidance.
It seems that the constant changes to Wilderness management mean that we need to spell out what is required in much more detail. As Cotswold Wardens Parish Contact for Charlbury and Cornbury and Wychwood I intend to write a follow up report with some detailed recommendations. If you have any useful comments I will be pleased to hear them.

Peter Kenrick

Thu 3 Aug 2017, 21:20

I haven't been up there myself yet but from information I received earlier I believe they have closed the path in the usual place and that there are OCC notices indicating an official closure. I believe that a short diversion is available so it is possible to get through although the alternative route is not very well signposted, particularly if you are walking from Finstock to Charlbury. I hope to go and have a look myself tomorrow.

John Munro

Thu 3 Aug 2017, 19:33

Just out of interest, does anyone know whether the Wilderness management has blocked the footopath from Southill Business Park to Finstock, as they have done in previous years - if, so, have they actually obtained official approval for a temporary diversion this time?

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