Memories of Charlbury Pre-School

Jody O'Reilly

Fri 14 Jul 2017, 12:20

Any memories to share? Looking for more please to add to our book on the Pre-School over the past 40 years. Come add them to the book at our Party tomorrow afternoon, enjoy home baked scones, music, fun and games at the same time.

Jody O'Reilly

Mon 10 Jul 2017, 10:00

As many of you will have seen on the events page and posters around town the Pre-School are celebrating their 40th birthday party this weekend, with a garden party down at the Pre-School on Grammar School Hill, please do come down and share the fun - the party is for all our community, many of whom attended the Pre-School in the past.

In celebration of this event I am collating memories and recollections of the Pre-School to go into a book, which will become part of the Pre-School archive. I would love to hear from former pupils, staff, members of the committee, parents or anyone who was involved in some way.

Please email me with your recollections, however short, or deliver memories jotted down on paper to the Pre-School itself over the course of this week addressed marked for the attention of Chris Weston or Jody O'Reilly and identified as 'memories'.

Many thanks and hope to see lots of you down at the Pre-School on Saturday.


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