Desecration of my wife's grave.


Mon 12 Jun 2017, 23:08

Thanks Liz and Mandy for your support. I will contact Roger Clarke. It is the second time this has happened. I replaced the rose tree today

Liz Leffman

Mon 12 Jun 2017, 13:02

I am very sorry indeed to hear that this has happened, Nick. It must be very upsetting for you. The Town Council manages the graveyard, so I suggest that you get in touch with Roger Clarke, or 01608 810608


Sun 11 Jun 2017, 23:31

I would get I contact with the church and tell them what's happened I would hint this is down to the contractors that cut the grove yards. This happened to my nan and aunties graves in finstock flowers cut to shreds and all over the place.
It's very upsetting to think that they don't have respect for where they are. Hope you get it sorted


Sun 11 Jun 2017, 19:15

Someone removed the stones from their place protecting the rose tree "love never dies" from beside Gill's grave and then destroyed the rose. I think they used a mower or strimmer. It is the anniversary of her death tomorrow. This is a very recent act of state vandalism. What should I do?

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