Bees about to swarm?

Derek Thirkell

Tue 20 Jun 2017, 16:31

Phil Sharman is a very experienced bee keeper and a really nice guy as well. Awesome

Janet Sly

Mon 5 Jun 2017, 22:27

The bees were still here on Wednesday (having survived a big rainstorm) and I was getting very worried about them. Geoff could not come round till the next day so I contacted the Oxfordshire Bee Keepers Association and one of their members, Philip Sharman, kindly came and managed to get them down out of the tree and into a temporary hive which he came back to collect the next evening. In the end we were sad to see them go! But glad that they will now find a home.

Robin Algar

Mon 5 Jun 2017, 15:29 (last edited on Mon 5 Jun 2017, 15:30)

We also keep bees in Charlbury, and I am happy to take swarms away, and provide them with a safe and happy home. My number is 07941 626 799.

K Harper

Thu 1 Jun 2017, 12:08

Could also try Paul on 07 527 085 721

Janet Sly

Mon 29 May 2017, 19:04

We also have a bee swarm which settled in a tree in our garden, first noticed it yesterday. The bees are all tightly packed in a huddle around the queen. I spoke to Geoff and Janet Burroughs at Halcyon Honey Farm yesterday and they re-assured me that the bees will move on in a day or two - we are probably just a staging place on their journey to a new hive. They are not likely to be aggressive. They are too high up in the tree for a beekeeper to easily capture so we are just waiting for them to depart!

Tony H Merry

Mon 29 May 2017, 14:00

You should contact Geoff Burroughs

Stephen Andrews

Mon 29 May 2017, 12:06

We have happily had a colony of (wild?) bees underneath our eaves (in a enclosed soffit) for three or so years. Just returned from holiday to find that there are a large number of them stacked at the entrance and that the paint on the soffit has blistered - presumably a combination of the high recent temperatures and the heat of the hive? Any beekeeper want to have a look? Stephen 01608 811212

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