Does anyone know of a good local guitar/amp repairer?

Clive Gibson-Leitch

Thu 23 Feb 2017, 16:42

Thanks, Charlie, but it's Dave Smart I've been using - if you look on his website you can see the letter I wrote to Guitarist magazine singing his praises! I was hoping there might be someone even more local.

Charlie M

Thu 23 Feb 2017, 11:32

Dave Smart is an(other?!) Oxford guy who I would wholeheartedly recommend - he sorted out my solid electric mandolin as well as my amp. He can be contacted here:,

Clive Gibson-Leitch

Wed 22 Feb 2017, 18:54

I have quite a few guitars (both steel strung acoustic and electric) and guitar amplifiers, and have been using a chap in Oxford to get them set up and repaired. Can anyone recommend anyone more local who could do the job?

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